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Coley gets on my nerves 2003-11-14 @ 1:57 p.m.

(INT) Mystical Jedi apprentice Optimystic sneaks through the halls of the Death Star, searching for a way to destroy the source of suffering and destruction and save the galaxy from tyranny. He rounds the corner only to come face to face with none other than the dreaded Coley, Dark Lady of the Fundamentalists!

COLEY: We are the Fundys. Give up your civil rights and surrender your critical thinking. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.

OPTIMYSTIC: Not so fast, Coley! I challenge your literal and selective reading of scripture used out of context to uphold conservative cultural norms!

OPTIMYSTIC brandishes his lightsaber. Coley is momentarily stunned by the assertion that someone could be Christian and not agree with her, but quickly recovers, drawing forth her red lightsaber of blood and fear!

COLEY: Ok, I'll make this simple. Either you believe the way I believe, or you'll burn with all your liberal friends in a fiery hellpit!

Choir begins singing dramatic and yet completely unintelligeable music in the background. The two warriors rush forward and engage each other in an epic clash of knowledge vs. ignorance!




Allright, so maybe I'm being a drama queen here. But Coley really needs to lighten up in my opinion.

Coley is an acquaintance (I can't really say that I have ever considered her a friend) that I met on the Internet. She is a friend of my friends Seth and Joelle, who live near Kansas City and whom I also met on the Internet. Now Seth and Joelle are also fundys, mind you, but I find them to be more intelligent and open-minded than Coley. I could very well be wrong in that regard though, because while I have been sharing different perspectives with them that they find intriguing if unusual, I have not told them either that I'm gay or that I believe in reincarnation. I managed somehow to tell Coley both of these facts in one conversation, and now she's switched over from the "let's congratulate each other on being saved" to the "proselytize the at-risk sinner" mode.

I am fairly certain that one of the reasons Coley is getting all uptight with me now is because she had a crush on me originally. I had the distinct feeling awhile ago that she was hitting on me. Her reaction when I came out to her was (I quote): "You're too cute to be gay!" She proceeded from there with a few passive-aggresive comments, culminating with the statement "You would make an excellent husband for a wonderful wife". Ugh, the way she said it I can't recreate here - it just made me sick! I recalled this Star Trek scene in which they tell Picard "You will make an excellent drone."

So I went from there and told her that no, I would not made a wonderful husband because I would never be able to give my wife the kind of intimacy she needs and vice versa. It would be cruel to both of us. This contention really confused her - apparently she's been operating under an assumption that marriage somehow magically cures everything. She then proceeds to twist the principle of unconditional love into the assertion that a marriage is not about sensuality and eros and should be based on abstract ideas. If a marriage is not working, it MUST be because you're not trying hard enough! I couldn't believe it! Does she really believe this stuff? Has this girl ever been in love? I have a sneaking suspicion that there's a double standard in there somewhere. Maybe I should ask her why, theology aside, she doesn't marry a woman? I mean, if that marriage doesn't seem to be working, it must be because she isn't trying hard enough, right?

Urgh. So the silliness continues. You know, I honestly don't care whether or not she agrees with me. If nothing else, I just want this girl to look at her own beliefs and realize where she's picked them up from. I think part of the reason she got all upset with me is because I scare her in some respects. She has told me she bases her entire life around (her interpretation of) Jesus and the Bible. People, anytime you base your life around anything but the God of your Heart and Realization, you are setting yourself up for pain! The Kingdom is within you for Christ's sake! Don't you realize that God is meant to be experienced, not marketed? That God is more than just a set of creeds and rules? That you are the temple of God, and that the Master is within you waiting for you to knock on the door? Is it so scary to find authority inside of you?

Ai yai yai... I know people like Coley are not stupid, and probably she's got some good motives somewhere under all that gunk. But it sure takes patience and compassion to deal with all this. Good thing I can come here and vent... whew!

"Details in the Fabric" - May 31, 2009
Not So Quick Questions - April 6, 2009
The Morning Stars - Lords of the 15 - April 9, 2009
Sincerity and Faith in Magic - April 10, 2009
Not So Quick Questions (2) - April 14, 2009

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