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Not So Quick Questions (2) April 14, 2009 @ 1:28 p.m.


Ultra-terrestrials is a good term, because the beings in question often come from other dimensions as well as other worlds. This is why SETI has found so little evidence for extraterrestrials - they keep assuming that everybody is three dimensional and travels across space the long way (which takes decades if not centuries). The truth is more along the lines of hyperspace and tesseracts - beings get around by using multiple dimensions in which space and time can be folded and compressed. I've actually read that the civilizations still using spaceships to get around are considered to be the least developed technologically, because with more advanced spiritual technology they become obsolete.

There is a lot of crap in the bible, but its interesting because its anthropologically insightful. The daemons tell me that our conceptions of the Divine are so weak, insignificant, and paltry that its like trying to deduce the nature of the universe from a grain of sand. They often feel justified in rebelling against such concepts because the Truth is sooooo much greater and more encompassing. Nevertheless the entities of traditional religion retain a great deal of power. People think that the daemons are evil or stupid because they won't "get with the program", but the truth is that they know full well what they are doing for the most part and have chosen their paths accordingly.

The bible attempts to unify about a dozen different conceptions of deity into One God, and it does not do a very good job at it. This is one of the origins of the Tree of the Sephirot`, because the bible presents so many different aspects and personalities for God. The saturnine aspect of Yahweh Elohim, which was promulgated by the Aaroni Priesthood, has tended to dominate the bible and the religious world for a long time, but it may be on the way out.

The Highest Name of God can be called That Which IS, but the highest comprehensible name is That Which Is Not (Ayn). As Socrates said, we can't know what the truth is - only what it isn't. So the highest god aspect is synonymous with the asian Tao or Do - It Is What It Is, and living your life in harmony with that is the key to success. All definitions and beliefs about God are really definitions and beliefs about one's Self. The Greater your conception of God, the Greater the Crown (Ket`er) You Wear. As for all the subservient deity aspects (the gods), the secret to dealing with them is humility. Saint Teresa said that God is seduced through humility, and the Greeks taught that the number one way to piss off the gods is to commit acts of hubris.

"Details in the Fabric" - May 31, 2009
Not So Quick Questions - April 6, 2009
The Morning Stars - Lords of the 15 - April 9, 2009
Sincerity and Faith in Magic - April 10, 2009
Not So Quick Questions (2) - April 14, 2009

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