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An Internet search for ... me! 2003-12-03 @ 10:03 p.m.

Yes, I think this is the diary pattern I'm settling into - a couple of entries reflecting on the past interspersed with the silliness and randomness of the present.

Have you ever done an Internet search on yourself or your last name? For a lot of people its not really an option, because they have names like Joseph Brown or Mary Stevenson. But if your last name is Stolowitz, it narrows the hits down considerably. From my genealogical studies, there are only 2 Stolowitz clans in the US, and I don't know if they have a common ancestor back in the Old Country.

If you search Stolowitz, you will get about 200 something hits. Of these, the most frequent are:

1) My uncle, Micah Stolowitz, an influential patent lawyer and former partner of Marger, Johnson, McCollum and Stolowitz in Oregon.

2) Andrea Stolowitz, a California educated playright who is quite successful from what I've read. I also have a cousin by the name of Andrea Stolowitz, and I'm sure they've been confused for each other at least once.

3) Mark Stolowitz, my dear father. Adept in both high-tech organic chemistry and designing the next generation of adult leader training for the Boy Scouts (ie, Wood Badge). And he likes sushi and small dogs too.

4) Michael Stolowitz, my other uncle. Michael, Mark, Micah - yeah, they're all M names. I wonder if that was intentional... but anyway, Uncle Michael is an incredible electrical engineer and does both company and independant consulting work on lots of cool stuff. And we both like good computer games.

In my short lifespan, I've managed to acquire a respectable 4 hits. The first one is a guestbook for an Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Forgotten Realms website that I signed a couple years ago. I love AD&D when properly conducted but I never have the time for it anymore.

The second is an obsolete membership list for an organization I belonged to in junior high called the Living Universe Foundation Young People's Organization. There was this guy named Marshall Savage who wrote a book about how humanity needed to go colonize the galaxy and how we could do it in 7 easy steps. He had a lot of interesting and cool scientific and engineering ideas, but thinking back on it now I realize he completely forgot to consider psychological issues for his colonists. I mean, does he really expect people to live off of flavored spirulina? Oh well, it was exciting at the time... and the sea colonies are still a cool and viable idea in my opinion. Maybe I'll draw on his ideas someday.

The third is meeting minutes from the Save Our Sunol coalition. Sunol is a cute little town nestled in the western hills of the Tri-Valley. Very nice people, very nice SMALL town (and they actually intend to keep it that way - good for them). I was there at the time to promote a newly formed local chapter for the Green Party, which ended up falling apart because I went off to college and the 3 serious members had too much of a workload to organize things. Yeah, sad story. Oh, and one of these days I'll tell you about drugged up psycho lady and how I didn't give her enough time to talk at the meeting and consequently had to listen to her bitch at me on the phone for half an hour. Never mind - that pretty much sums it up.

My fourth hit brings back fond memories - its a season preview for the Eastside Journal for the high school swim teams. And there I am on the Redmond team! I got my name in the paper- yea! Ben and Bryan got in the paper all the time though, and they actually got their accomplishments mentioned. Not that I begrudge them - its not like I was an impressive swimmer. Backstroke was my specialty, but I was only like 8th in the league or something - I did beat a couple guys at districts. I was 1 of 3 team captains senior year, and I didn't do a good job at it. Swimming was a mixed experience during high school - some parts sucked, others were a lot of fun. I found out not too long ago that one of my old teammates was also gay, and I hit myself on the head because all that time I could have asked him on a date.

Oh, I bet you're wondering - was I just in it for the guys? Actually, no - I really swam because I needed a sport for a letterman jacket, it looked good on my college application, it was great exercise, and once in awhile it was enjoyable. The hot guys in the speedos were just icing on the cake.

"Details in the Fabric" - May 31, 2009
Not So Quick Questions - April 6, 2009
The Morning Stars - Lords of the 15 - April 9, 2009
Sincerity and Faith in Magic - April 10, 2009
Not So Quick Questions (2) - April 14, 2009

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