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Baruch's stories 2004-03-21 @ 11:27 a.m.

With the possible exception of some overdue physics assignments, I may be able to get all caught up by the end of today if I put my mind to it. Then again, probably not. I don't think I can do two essays in one day...

Baruch told me some sad stories last night about his trip to Toluca, Mexico last summer. Toluca is where his is originally from, and he identifies strongly enough with Mexico that he has no interest in becoming an American citizen. Either that or America just pisses people off - maybe both. So he went last summer to visit his extended family, which from what I gather includes multiple cousins. He had the amazing experience of running into one of his cousins - Carla - at a gay bar, and discovering she was lesbian. It was very exciting for both of them - suddenly they had so much in common, so much to talk about! I wonder what it would be like to find someone else in my family who was also gay? One of my parents had a cousin that they wondered about for awhile, but I think he ended up getting married. Although, that's not always an indication of heterosexuality.

One of Baruch's other cousins was not nearly as fun to hang with. Baruch is not out to his extended family. This cousin was really hyper-masculine, and Baruch ended up at a party full of his cousin's similar friends. Baruch met a guy at the party whom he said was so gay he couldn't hide it. Well, apparently the guy made some moves on him, but Baruch wasn't interested so he refused him. One of the guys at that party saw and told his cousin. Baruch protested that nothing had happened, but the little snitch continued to make a scene out of it. And suddenly, all the guys took the poor kid outside and beat the shit out of him. Baruch tried to stop it, but he was held back. Later, on the drive back, his cousin chastised him for humiliating him by trying to defend a faggot. Baruch tried to explain - tried to put a human face on the 'faggot' they had beat to a pulp. He tried to put his cousin in that kid's shoes. But his cousin simply laughed at him and told him that California living had make him weak. He couldn't coceive of it - couldn't allow himself to care. "What are you talking about? There's no homos in our family."

That summer was also where Baruch met the love of his life. His name was Memo (I don't know if I'm spelling it correctly). But Memo had a boyfriend, and a boyfriend that Baruch liked and respected, whom he would never dream of hurting. Carla, Baruch, Memo, his boyfriend, and other friends all spent several weeks together. Baruch tried not to, but he fell in love with Memo. He wrote tons of poetry about him. He was everything he had ever wanted - they had even gone to the same elementary school, incidientally. On one of his last nights in Mexico, Carla revealed that Memo was as deeply in love with him as Baruch was in love with Memo. Baruch gave a poem to Memo that he asked to be read later, but Memo knew. And suddenly they were kissing, making frantic love between stoplights as Carla drove them to the airport. The area they were going through was quite dangerous for two men to be kissing in as well, even in a car. But they loved as much as they could as the time ran out.

Memo's boyfriend sends friendly emails to Baruch constantly. Although he knows he loves Memo, the guilt at hurting his boyfriend may tear him apart. And he's going back there over spring break. Josiah is going with him, partly to hold him back from doing 'anything stupid'. What would you tell him to do? My writing is bad - the way he told these stories, you could tell it was not a summer fling. It was a once in a lifetime love.

"Details in the Fabric" - May 31, 2009
Not So Quick Questions - April 6, 2009
The Morning Stars - Lords of the 15 - April 9, 2009
Sincerity and Faith in Magic - April 10, 2009
Not So Quick Questions (2) - April 14, 2009

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