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I'm.... coming out! 2004-03-29 @ 9:46 p.m.

Well, the evil overdue 13 page paper is STILL not complete. Shameful, isn't it? But Bittner says that if I get it done by Wednesday, and its really good, I could still earn a C. What a nice guy. This was of course after he suggested I consider the possibility of withdrawing from the class. Oh, like that's an option if I ever want to get accepted to a grad school! But, I am feeling semi-confident about this damn thing, considering I spent the majority of my weekend getting the readings done for it.

An update on my 'cute history boys' entry:

*Sam is straight :( I was with him at the library a week or two ago getting some readings done for class with James. James had gone to make some copies, and there I was alone with him, and I just had to know!

"Can I ask you a personal question?"


"What team do you play for?"


"Are you straight or gay?" "Oh yeah...(nod)"

"I'm straight. Are you... not?"

"Yeah, I'm gay"


We go back to reading at this point. Sam is cordial if untalkative for the remainder of our company that day, but we were doing schoolwork so that doesn't necessarily say anything. And today, he was interrogating me before class on the answers for the midterm as if nothing had happened. I think I handled that pretty well. Although, I must say that today, he was at his most gorgeous. My God, the arms on that boy... oh!

*Scott is straight as well. But my coming out to him was much more clean and well-executed. I have to recommend now to all my fabulous brothers and sisters out there that the best way to come out is by chatting in casual conversation as if the person already knew you were gay. Scott and I were chatting up a storm in the library today before class, and when the conversation turned to relationships, I just nonchalantly told him I could relate to how he was feeling after this relationship I had with this one GUY. 10 points for the Optimystic! The funny situation, as it turns out, is that while Scott is confidently and unashamedly straight, he has a couple of gay coworkers who are continuing to hit on him. Scott is a rarity among straight men in that not only is he confident enough to discuss sexuality with gay men, he'll actually flirt with them in good fun. Unfortunately, Scott is starting to get a little uncomfortable with his older coworkers hitting on him and wasn't sure what to do. He asked for my advice! I explained that in gay tradition, two guys playing the joke of "let's pretend we're gay and flirting" is usually the first way a closeted gay guy can meet and attract a mate without outing himself to others. Scott's noble and innocent intentions are, sadly, probably being interpreted by his coworkers as stringing-along. Apparently he's going to follow my advice and be polite yet assertive and we'll soon hear back about the results of this hilarious situation.

I still have yet to come out to James (adorable freshmen, who apparently Scott is quite jealous of), Greg (cute guy from our class that studied with Scott and I today) or Chris (soldier boy from MA). But I feel encouraged thus far!

"Details in the Fabric" - May 31, 2009
Not So Quick Questions - April 6, 2009
The Morning Stars - Lords of the 15 - April 9, 2009
Sincerity and Faith in Magic - April 10, 2009
Not So Quick Questions (2) - April 14, 2009

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