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My love/hatred of Physics 2004-04-22 @ 1:24 p.m.

Well, it looks like I bombed my physics midterm. I'm thinking D, maybe a low C if I'm lucky. This would bring the likely end result of this class to be no credit. It is possible that if I made up all the homework, did perfectly on anything from here on out and took any extra credit oppertunities that arose, I might make it out of the class with a passing grade. This is not likely though. So I tell you what - I will get everything else out of the way first, and then if I still have time left by some miracle, I will give it my all.

The thought occured to me earlier this week that if I do not pass physics, I will not get my physical science requirement completed. If that happens, I may consider repeating the class. Part of me is screaming that I'm insane, but another part acknowledges that not only would I not have to buy another expensive textbook, but I would also know what to expect and have experience working with the material, vs taking another science class I might enjoy more but not know a ton about. Hmm... which outweighs the other? Your input is welcome here.

It turns out it was a good thing I skipped Cali Lit on Tuesday night, because apparently nobody did the readings and Coleman got really pissed and walked out. I understand his frustration, but I think he doesn't realize just how much we have on our plates. Granted we should on track, but I don't think he should expect us to read the books as fast as he does. Hopefully I'll be prepared by this evening and he'll be in a much better mood.

After class tonight, I'm going to go see "The Bradfords Tour America" at the Cooperage. Its a camcorder crusade film by a SSU professor about a "nice Christian couple" that goes into the bible belt to discover what kind of crazy things people there believe about gays and lesbians and why they believe and act the way they do. It might be a bit scary at times, but you know me: I can't pass up an oppertunity to learn more about how to combat religious fundamentalism. It should be interesting!

"Details in the Fabric" - May 31, 2009
Not So Quick Questions - April 6, 2009
The Morning Stars - Lords of the 15 - April 9, 2009
Sincerity and Faith in Magic - April 10, 2009
Not So Quick Questions (2) - April 14, 2009

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