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It all makes sense now... 2004-05-13 @ 12:12 p.m.

After a series of revelations in the last week and consulting with experts on the subject, I have reached a surprising conclusion.

Casey is a closet-case.

Let me sum up the evidence thus far

1) Whenever I have my friends over, and most of them are gay, Casey scowls at them and leaves the room. They have all noticed this and commented on it.

2) Casey seems to hate me for no particular reason. I considered that it might be because I'm diametrically opposite him politically, but I only went off about Fox News once or twice. That's not enough to engender the kind of behavior he exhibits towards me, which includes avoiding me as much as possible, talking to me only when absolutely necesary (and even then mumbling), and bad mouthing me to his friends without specifying what exactly I am doing to piss him off.

3) His voice and mannerisms have the classic "gay" inflection.

4) Casey's interests, musical tastes and sense of decorating tend to be classicly gay. The exception to this would be the interests he emulates from Aaron, which is explained by the fact that...

5) Casey idolizes Aaron. For a long time, I felt that I was doing something wrong because my roomates had such a good and close friendship and spent so much time together, but now I'm realizing that they are a special case. According to Casey's friends who I met via Megan at Baruch's Much Ado show, Casey used to be really involved with the Catholic club on campus, but rarely sees his friends from there anymore because he spends all his time with Aaron. When he does see them, he talks about Aaron constantly, and as if he was interested in him as more than a friend. Now, granted, Aaron is very attractive. But (although I disagree with Baruch about this), Aaron is straight. And what's more, Aaron is engaged to Julie. If Casey has feelings for him, this is a recipe for disaster!

6) Casey's friends notice that whenever the subject of homosexuality comes up in conversation, Casey gets really nervous, uptight and anal.

7) Casey's friends think he's a closet case.

8) My friends also think he's a closet case.

9) Casey is politically conservative, and especially reactionary about gays.

Now, to be fair, I have considered alternative explanations to all these things. The only alternative is that Casey is an atypical straight guy who has been accused of being gay throughout his life and has become a bigot in response. Possible, but not likely.

You know, this whole realization takes a huge weight off my shoulders. Because I really thought I was doing something horribly wrong to make my roomate hate me. Now I know its just him. No guilt about moving out now! In fact, I actually feel sorry for him! I will try to make good with him before I move out, as I will be in the same building next year and it'd be nice to see him without being scowled at.

Ack, pray for this kid! If I'm right and he keeps this up, he's in for years of misery!

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