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Living in a Dream World 2004-05-14 @ 8:40 a.m.

Sometimes dreams make me fell awful uncomfortable. For me, it is not so much the subject of the dream, but the experience of it. When you are dreaming, everything seems real, unless you have that rare situation where you realize you are dreaming while you dream. Your senses, even though they are so weak compared to real life, still seem to function and you trust them. And what is worst, you don't sense that anything is strange or unreal while you dream. It all makes sense in some strange way that seems crazy once you wake up but perfectly natural while you are dreaming. Sometimes I wonder if dying is like dreaming. Your brain waves slow down in both cases. Yet, all the near death accounts seem to suggest a supersensual world, in which the material world was a pale dream in itself. And yet, the whole universe exists in the mind of God, and could be said to be a dream. Although we need to treat it as at least semi-real in order to navigate through it and be sucessful. The other question about this is if there are different levels of reality, are there different levels of free will that correspond to them? When you are dreaming, usually you feel like you are in control and you respond emotionally to what you encounter. Yet upon waking, it seems that the dream simply played itself out without effort on your part. Yet, what we do and how we feel in dreams is a reflection of who we are. If life on this plane is a great dream in itself, then we are much more unconscious than we realize - letting our emotions and what seems right at the time make our decisions. It seems to me that if this be true, then the mystics are right in saying that it is imperative to become fully conscious of who we are and why we do what we do. Only then will we not be ruled by instincts, emotions, thoughts and the laws of physics.

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Sincerity and Faith in Magic - April 10, 2009
Not So Quick Questions (2) - April 14, 2009

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