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Technical Difficulties 2004-05-20 @ 4:12 p.m.

So yesterday, I'm sitting next to Sam in the 24-hour computer lab at school, revising papers for the now overdue portfolio for Coleman's class. Sam is working on his final for HIST 380, Halavais' writing intensive class on the Meditteranean world. He's doing the whole thing over the email apparently. As he finishes I leave the room for a minute to go schmootch with Baruch (Is that the correct spelling? Ack, I need to work on my Yiddish!) A couple minutes later, Sam comes up to me in a panic. Apparently, he hit the X button on the email screen and lost his whole final! The techie on hand tries to help him to no avail, and then I give it a shot myself. No luck - it didn't save any kind of draft, and the email program logged out. What a bummer. So I go over with Sam and talk to Dr. Halavais, and she's cool and things get worked out. She tells me after he leaves that had he been coming to class regularly, he would have known that the final was optional.

Later that evening, after Baruch and I wallk around campus and talk somemore, I'm working on the last piece for Coleman's portfolio - an overdue midterm on the Grapes of Wrath. I finish, go to print it, and suddenly the printing software goes berserk and loses the queue. The Bulgarian techie guy, who Baruch apparently knows from his trip to Spain and has his eye on, tells me to take it over to the library and print there. Well, I'm thinking no problem, because up to this point I've been saving all my work on my floppy diskette. So I save one last time, grab the diskette, and then head over to the library. Only to find that none of the computers are reading my disk. They are all acting like it hasn't been formated, which I did just the other day with that brand new disk. After an hour of running around doing everything I could to try to recover the data, the techie guy told me that the entire disk had been erased.

I wondered at the time if this was my punishment for telling Sam he should have saved his stuff on a disk. Just goes to show that doesn't always work either. My best theory so far is that while walking to the library with the disk in hand, it was demagnetized by the security gates. Although, it was in its case at the time, and I haven't ever heard of those things doing that. Argh - is there a mercury retrograde going on or something? So now I have to rewrite the whole thing from memory, although it was only 3-4 pages so it shouldn't be too bad.

"Details in the Fabric" - May 31, 2009
Not So Quick Questions - April 6, 2009
The Morning Stars - Lords of the 15 - April 9, 2009
Sincerity and Faith in Magic - April 10, 2009
Not So Quick Questions (2) - April 14, 2009

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