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Summer school - no problem 2004-06-02 @ 1:58 p.m.

I'm back at school again, but things are very different this time around. I have never done summer school before. I am not just living in a different room, I am on the other side of campus. The Sauvignon rooms are very different! I really don't see what people could complain about over here, though. Yes, they are double rooms instead of single ones and you have to share a bathroom with a roomate. But I like the huge living room and the little village look outside. Maybe I just haven't really perceived it the same way because, so far, I haven't had a roomate. I only have 3 suitemates as it is, and I don't think they have roomates either. One of those suitemates happens to be Aaron! Not a surprise though, considering they have all of us summer housing people in the same village. Aaron doesn't bug me though - Casey was the one who got on my nerves. Although, I was looking forward to not having to listen to Halo again. I haven't really talked much to my other suitemates yet, but I don't feel very compelled to since I'll only be here for another two weeks. They have odd names - Malony and Star (and yes, they are guys...huh). Malony (if I remember the name right) is a criminal justice major who is taking a really hard statistics class. Apparently, he's been told to expect two hours of homework for every hour in class! That sucks. Haven't really met Star yet (why do I keep thinking 'payless shoes' when I hear that name?)

My class is both easy and enjoyable - what a relief! It is strange being in a history class with so many non-majors though. There are about twelve kids, and only four of us are historians by major. And wow - it is sure hard to get the others to say anything! Things that seem very obvious to me don't even occur to them. And I am not being cocky here - we are not talking historical minutae. I mean, Jefferson asks them something they could have just guessed or figured out themselves - like, "what kinds of goods would natives have wanted from Europeans?" Things were better today, but they really pissed him off yesterday. He has a really short temper for people who don't participate or pay attention, and can be scary when he's mad. But he explained to everyone today that he expects us to overcome intimidation. He believes that life is intimidating and our careers will force us to deal with intimidating situations, so that the university is not doing us any favors by letting us remain passive learners. I agree - I just think some of the Asian students are more used to rote and passive learning. It will be more of a challenge for them because they are not used to it like I am. Oh, and Jefferson likes me by the way - I am actually worried I answer questions in class too often, and I hold back from time to time so the others will say something. The homework looks to be light. Our textbook is not only overpriced but, from what I've read thusfar, looks like it was designed for a junior high kid. Ugh. Partipation, a 3 essay question midterm, a reasonable paper and a final will make the grade. This class should be a breeze, and I'm done with it in only two weeks!

Oh, by the way, there's a yummy grill stand on campus now outside of Salazar, with hot dogs and burgers and veggie stuff that is quite good. Why can't they have that during the schoolyear?

"Details in the Fabric" - May 31, 2009
Not So Quick Questions - April 6, 2009
The Morning Stars - Lords of the 15 - April 9, 2009
Sincerity and Faith in Magic - April 10, 2009
Not So Quick Questions (2) - April 14, 2009

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