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Do your political homework 2004-07-17 @ 10:19 a.m.

I am starting to get a little bout of cabin fever over here. There is only so much I can do around here without getting tempted to waste inordinate amounts of time playing video games and such. I think I'll go over to Borders today and hang out there for a while. I might get to hang out with Baruch tonight. Tomorrow, I am sponsering a house party for We're going to be showing "Outfoxed", a documentary on how Fox News and the conservative media is anything but fair and balanced. The film is followed by an online chat session with Al Franken, and we'll be discussing and planning what we can do to help preserve free and unbiased media in our country.

On the subject of politics, Jonathan and I are going up to see my grandparents the last week of July. I will try to enjoy myself, but I just know that political topics will come up sooner or later, so I have to start doing my homework now. I know it sounds sad - having to do background research before you can have a discussion with your grandparents - but if I don't, I'm bound to be accused of believing everything I hear from the evil liberal media that is bent on misleading everyone (hello, do you sense any hypocrisy here from our Bill O'Reilly acolytes?). As studies have shown, Fox News watchers are much more likely to be unaware of simple facts about current issues. For example, they are much more likely to believe that weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq, when they never were. My grandparents and my mom both thought I was off my rocker when I told them that the US had been bombing Iraq for the ten years prior to our recent invasion. I wonder if I should just take them my copy of "outfoxed" when I come. I don't know if that would work though. They'd probably just accuse it of being liberal propaganda.

When it comes down to it, I don't know what to believe anymore myself. Media is such a powerful weapon that no matter where we stand on the issues, none of us can afford to just sit back and be fed the news from any source. We all have to become activists and really do our homework. That way, we can be sure that whether we are listening to media that is liberal, conservative, or sensational (I doubt any moderate media exists), we'll be able to determine the truth for ourselves.

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Not So Quick Questions - April 6, 2009
The Morning Stars - Lords of the 15 - April 9, 2009
Sincerity and Faith in Magic - April 10, 2009
Not So Quick Questions (2) - April 14, 2009

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