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Weekend Plans and Initiation Preparation 2004-09-04 @ 9:43 a.m.

I am trying to figure out how I am going to spend this nice three day weekend I have been given. A lot of people seem to be heading out of town. I am going to have a late dinner with Brant in Napa on Sunday, and I may get to see Baruch earlier that day if he does not end up doing an audition. I would like to spend a lot of time with friends this weekend, but if that does not pan out there is plenty I can get done. I am behind on my Rosicrucian monographs, although I did self-initiate into second degree the other night (yea me!). I will have to wait months though before I can do the full ritual with the lodge in San Jose. I may be third degree by then, but I am figuring out that it is more about what is going on inside of me. The rituals, if done properly, are just symbolic of what is already occuring. And between Rosicrucians and Order of the Arrow back in Boy Scouts, I have seen some shitty ritual teams in my life.

I have a fair amount of reading for my classes I can get done as well, not to mention all the pleasure reading I brought from home, which is mostly mystical stuff. I am going to try and do some really deep meditative work this weekend too. I have to start gettting ready not only for the conference at the end of the month, which Jessica predicts will be a real high-energy time, but for when I go to Egypt in October. I am hoping that if I am properly prepared, I may be able to receive an influx by visiting the Great Pyramid and laying in the 'sarcophagas' (spelling?). Esotericists believe that the Great Pyramid was built long before the dynasties of the pharoahs came to power, although they certainly co-opted them and did renovations on them. The structure and materials of the pyramid are designed to focus energies to be used in esoteric initiations. A lot of the power is gone now because the capstones were ripped off by the Arabs in medieval times and used to build the fortifications in Cairo. However, what was mislabeled 'the king's chamber' is actually still said to be very powerful. In the ancient Egyptian mysteries, a ritual drama was played out in which candidates died a symbolic death. They were placed into the sarcophagas, where much of the energy of the pyramids is focused, and their received an influx that triggered a spiritual experience outside of their body. Would it not be wonderful if I could experience something like that?

"Details in the Fabric" - May 31, 2009
Not So Quick Questions - April 6, 2009
The Morning Stars - Lords of the 15 - April 9, 2009
Sincerity and Faith in Magic - April 10, 2009
Not So Quick Questions (2) - April 14, 2009

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