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Baby, don't you lose my number... 2004-09-09 @ 5:32 p.m.

I have about a half hour to spend now before I sit down with the roomies and friends to watch the Patriots game. I really have very little interest in sports, but I enjoy spending time with them when I have the oppertunity. I double-booked myself tonight for spending time with Eric, but I don't feel that bad because he's been avoiding me for awhile. Then yesterday, miraculously, he finally returns one of my phone calls. He apologizes sincerely and expresses a desire to see me, but says he can't that night because he's tired or busy or something. So I go over and have dinner with Andy that night and who shows up later? Eric and his friend Annie. Tired my ass. I hate it when people lie to me - give me the truth any day, even if it hurts. I didn't give him any shit about it though.

Eric is Andy's ex-boyfriend that I met a couple of weeks ago. We all got high one night and I started hitting on him, which was really unnerving for Andy. After some ackwardness with Andy, we ended up talking on the phone, then going on a date, then going back to his really cool place in Santa Rosa, then having fun in the sack, etc. Then I found out I had crabs and that kind of put things on hold for awhile, especially given the accidental insinuation I made that I might have gotten it from him (hey, it was a possibility at the time). But even after things were all clear again, he never really called me. And it was not like I was calling him every hour... every other day rather. So I kind of begin to figure he's not interested, and then lo and behold, he's back. So I'm rather confused at the moment about where I am at with this guy. If things don't work out though, no big deal. I have other guys I can date, ones that actually ENJOY talking to me.

Kind of funny... between this and talking to Andy the other night, I realized this is the first time in years, if not ever, I've been bitching about my love life. That gives me hope in a strange sort of way - at least I have a guy to bitch about!

"Details in the Fabric" - May 31, 2009
Not So Quick Questions - April 6, 2009
The Morning Stars - Lords of the 15 - April 9, 2009
Sincerity and Faith in Magic - April 10, 2009
Not So Quick Questions (2) - April 14, 2009

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