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Not your Stereotypical Night 2004-09-10 @ 10:01 a.m.

I had a great evening last night with the roomies. I love it when I get an oppertunity, every once in awhile, to forget about how alien I am and just be a normal guy with other normal guys. I invited Eric over to join us, but apparently, gay guys aren't supposed to like sports. I was kind of skeptical at first too, but John was so enthusiastic about the sport and his team that he made it a lot of fun. I asked lots of questions about hwo the game works, and he answered all of them for me. He tried to get me to place a bet on the Patriots (Chris was rooting for the Colts), but I just don't have the money right now. I actually got into the game somewhat and enjoyed it in a way I rarely have enjoyed football.

After half time, the drinking games began! The two games we played involved Dixie Cups, ping pong balls, and a cheap beer called Keystone Light. We played two different games whose names I cannot remember, and while I got rocked on the first game, I beat John in the second. All three of us ended up getting really buzzed that night. Somewhere into the drinking, Chris turned on his tunes and really surprised me. He played a very eclectic choice of music, with a lot of classic 80's tunes and even music I normally think of as gay. Chris is definitely not gay, so after I got over the "straight men don't listen to these songs" thoughts, I joined in with the laughter and singing and dancing.

I think my roomates know I'm gay now - If not, then they at least know I'm liberal enough to get offended when somebody says "that's so gay". I called Chris on it the first time he said it that night, and he actually apologized to me! Both he and John told me seperately that he didn't me it in a derogatory way and that it is just an expression of language he's gotten used to using unconsciously. In fact, the six other times he used it that night turned into a big joke we all laughed at.

I wish Jeff could have joined us. He apparently went down to the Golden Gate to do take some photos (he is quite a good photographer). Chris joked that he wanted to shoot pics of people commiting suicide. He looked jaded when he got back and locked himself in his room not wanting to spend time with us. We were dissapointed. It kind of reminded me of how I behaved last year. I told the guys that he must somehow feel uncomfortable around us, but we couldn't figure out why. Part of me wondered for a minute if like me last year, Jeff was a closet-case too scared and nervous to open up around a stud like Chris. But as I realized at multiple other points throughout the night, while straight and gay people on a whole might think and act in different directions, there really is no gay or straight way to act. We should all just lighten up and enjoy everything life has to offer us, whether or not someone else judges that to be masculine, feminine, or an indicator of what orientation we are supposed to have.

"Details in the Fabric" - May 31, 2009
Not So Quick Questions - April 6, 2009
The Morning Stars - Lords of the 15 - April 9, 2009
Sincerity and Faith in Magic - April 10, 2009
Not So Quick Questions (2) - April 14, 2009

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