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Yes, I can be a Dick 2004-09-13 @ 2:29 p.m.

Yesterday night, the roomies and I were bored out of our minds, passing the time between video games, homework and quizzical conversation. For some reason, John had stacked the kitchen table chairs up on the countertops and knocked one over when he went to open the fridge. The sound was so loud that one of the girls from the room underneath us came up to complain. She apparently had been peeved at us for quite sometime for making what she perceived to be a ton of nerve-wracking noise. We really haven't been that loud though, so I was kind of ticked off. She said she kept hearing us playing basketball, but we don't even have a basketball! I wondered if it might have been Chris' bass speakers, but he doesn't even turn them up that loudly. As I told Tucker the CSA, I can understand being respectful and all, but we are in college for Christ's sake. Parties, drinking and loudness will happen, especially on a weekend! This should be no shock! The real question I wanted to ask is what is this girl doing at home early on a Sunday night, but I didn't say that.

I was the one who did most of the talking when this girl and Tucker came to complain, and I turned into a real jerk I guess. Part of the problem was this girl comes up to bitch at us in her Intervarsity Christian Fellowship tee-shirt and her eyes are all rolled up into her head. I'll admit I was prejudiced, but I thought that she was being all arrogant and holier than thou art. So I stared her down and tried to force her to make eye contact while she was talking to me, which just made her eyes go all over the place. John informed me afterwards that, idiot I am, she wasn't being rude, she just has a disability. Great - so now I once again have a reputation for being mean to disabled kids.

I also got really impatient with Eric never returning my calls. The guy keeps sending me mixed signals, which is a real pet peeve of mine. So yesterday night, I leave a message that is something to the extent of "Hi, this is Dave. You know... that guy you never call back." But I guess I'm being the posessive one here, because I got an earful this afternoon in my voice mail. I called him back and left yet ANOTHER message explaining that I was sorry if I was acting out, I just rarely hear from him and can't figure out if he is interested in me or not. I also told him about how I had been a little more pissed off since last week when I thought he might have lied to me so as not to have to spend time with me. If I don't see him again, big deal. I can easily pursue Brant, Tomi, or even Adam.

Oh, and please help me and John resolve a vital rhetorical dispute we've been having: Should calling someone a dick be just as insulting as calling someone a pussy? He argues that both terms are based on offensive and sexist assumptions, so he should be allowed to call someone a pussy if he gets called a dick. I don't know about women, but I have come to the conclusion that men just ARE dicks and so there's no real debate here.

"Details in the Fabric" - May 31, 2009
Not So Quick Questions - April 6, 2009
The Morning Stars - Lords of the 15 - April 9, 2009
Sincerity and Faith in Magic - April 10, 2009
Not So Quick Questions (2) - April 14, 2009

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