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101 Facts about Me 2006-01-01 @ 1:22 am

1. My name is David.

2. I graduated from college with a Bachelor of Arts in History from Sonoma State University in Rohnert Park, California. My emphasis was on religious history.

3. I am 22, though independant trials confirm I look and act significantly older.

4. I am an aspiring mystic and mage in the Western Tradition. If you have to identify me with a particular denomination, I am a Gnostic Jewish Christian (as you can see, I have real identity issues).

5. My two married parents live in Pleasanton in the East Bay, with my 18 year old brother Jonathan and my 11 year old cousin Stacy.

6. I am gay.

7. I am usually very outspoken, though in some situations I clamp up good.

8. I am a proud member of the US Green Party and am dedicated to campaign finance reform, instant-runoff voting, a living wage, and the overthrow of the two-party system!

9. I am interested in everything.

10. If its esoteric, mystical, magical or occult, I know something about it.

11. I love almost all animals, including both dogs and cats. Given the choice though, I'd probably go with dogs because I am allergic to cats.

12. I am somewhat good looking, if I do say so myself.

13. I have a talent for many different kinds of writing - anywhere from nonfiction to erotica!

14. I have had a very interesting and random life thusfar, and its only bound to get more wacky as time goes on.

15. I am very random and silly when around friends. Sometimes its cute, sometimes amusing, and sometimes just confusing.

16. I love hot guys and good sex, and am trying to figure out how to reconcile this with my spirituality.

17. I think I would like to be a professor, so I am planning to apply to and attend graduate school after I take a year or two off. I am not sure what I will study this time around though.

18. Given that this country was ignorant enough to elect Bush, I am seriously considering moving to Europe.

19. I have an uncanny ability to write major essays in a minor amount of time.

20. I do not like coffee, and I figure if I never get addicted to it, it will save me a lot of money. It smells nice though.

21. I am a prety good cook and I am learning to be a better one.

22. I am a vegetarian, and for the millionth time: yes, I get enough protein.

23. TROGDOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

24. When I was in junior high, I presided over a cult based on the "Da Da Da" song by Trio (I saw this great Volkswagon commercial and was hooked).

25. I was born in Stockton, lived in Fountain Valley for a couple years, lived in Long Beach for 7 years, lived in Redmond, Washington for 9 years, did my first year of college at Oregon State in Corvalllis, and God knows where I'll end up next.

26. I live in an apartment on the San Rafael Harbor which has almost flooded a couple times, but is next door to a bar where Bob Dylan and the Greatful Dead used to hang out.

27. I buy and read nonfiction books on a regular basis (mostly mystical and occult stuff)

28. I work at Sunny Hills Services, a non-profit which provides for kids from around the Bay Area who are emotionally and/or mentally disturbed

29. I teach Sunday School at Congregation Ner Shalom in Cotati. I almost got fired for being too frank with 7th graders about sex and violence in the Hebrew Bible.

30. My close friend Scott, who I've known since 6th grade, got sent off to military school my sophomore year of high school and is finally out of there and going to school in Southern California at USC.

31. I was a fanatical and obnoxious proselytizing member of Sylvia Browne's Society of Novus Spiritus for four years, before I had a nervous breakdown and lost all faith in her and her church. I still don't know whether or not she is a real psychic, but I know I can't be a part of that church anymore.

32. I manage a community for Gnostic Christians and generally spiritual people on MSN called "The Other Side"

33. I love diaryland and find it so fascinating and comforting to read about other people's lives and how much we all seem to have in common.

34. I am a 5th degree initiate in the Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis (AMORC), and am one of the youngest members.

35. I am a Neophyte in the Gnostic Order of Christ, a wonderful little group in San Jose where I met teachers and friends that I will treasure for the rest of my life.

36. I was a fanatical boy scout in junior high and high school. I am an Eagle Scout and was also given the Vigil Honor in the Order of the Arrow.

37. I am learning and practicing a mixture of Yoga and Pilates because my flexibility sucks and I need more core strength. Tell me to quit procrastinating and go stretch.

38. My ancestry is a mix of Ashkenazi Jewry and Western European mutts.

39. My brother and I are very close, which is funny because we hated each other a couple years ago.

40. My parents have the most adorable and smart dog in the world named Max, who used to be my grandmother's dog and is probably the cutest Yorkshire Terrier you will ever seen.

41. I am a green belt in Nihon Goshin Aikido, a martial art I started training in back in my junior year of high school.

42. I am learning and practicing the art of contemplative meditation, which can be difficult at times but is very rewarding. I actually want to see the light and not just talk about it.

43. My family is pretty afluent and I lead a semi-charmed kind of life.

44. My only trips outside the US were to Puerto Vallerta, Mexico when I was a baby, and a spontaneous road trip to Vancouver, British Columbia my senior year of high school.

< P>45. I am extremely concerned with morality and doing the right thing in every circumstance.

46. I can't stand fundamentalists, mostly because I almost became one.

47. I have very diverse friends and family, all over the cultural, religious and political spectrum.

48. I have been known to practice magic.

49. I am no stranger to Internet Dating - has been a favorite.

50. My dad's father died in 1993, and his mother has Alzheimer's, depression, a fragile body and a tendency to put guilt trips on her family and friends.

51. My mom's parents live in Oroville and while being very lively and active, are staunch republicans who have opposite beliefs from me on almost everything. We still love each other dearly, but it gets tense sometimes.

52. I have two very wealthy uncles, one who is a patent lawyer in Portland and one who is an electrical engineer and real estate manager in Danville. They have amazingly big homes that are fun to explore.

53. My dad is a biochemist who is in the process of starting his second company. He commutes to Seattle.

54. My mom is a researcher for my aunt's tax business and is raising my cousin. She enjoys wine and interior decorating.

55. My cousin Stacy came to live with my parents about a year ago, after her parents died and she had trouble living with my mom's other sister.

56. I don't know whether I want to have kids, but I'm leaning towards "no" these days.

57. I have a big vocabulary, rarely swear, speak intelligently, and am on a crusade to eliminate obnoxious words like "Hella" and "Tight" from vernacular usage.

58. I drink occasionally, have gotten really smashed twice, and have smoked pot a couple of times.

59. There have been years where I haven't dated anyone, and months where I have been incredibly slutty. Most of the time I am thankfully somewhere in between these extremes.

60. Censorship and people refusing to be honest really gets on my nerves. I believe in honestly almost to the point of bluntness.

61. I love pop culture stuff that mixes in deep allegories and mystical themes, like the Matrix and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Its both fun and edifying.

62. For most of my life I have been a role-playing games fan. Both paper and pencil stuff like AD&D or video games like the Final Fantasy series satisfy my cravings.

63. I was born on the Capricorn/Aquarius cusp. I have also studied astrology extensively.

64. I love to sing, even though I used to deny this and never joined choir. I've been told a have a fairly decent voice, and I like to sing Karaoke when I can.

65.I have read the whole Bible from start to finish. I did it the summer of 2003.

66. I am planning to begin a 6 month (possibly longer) spiritual program this year in order to meet my higher self.

67. I'll finish this later...

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Not So Quick Questions - April 6, 2009
The Morning Stars - Lords of the 15 - April 9, 2009
Sincerity and Faith in Magic - April 10, 2009
Not So Quick Questions (2) - April 14, 2009

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