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Silliness 2004-09-22 @ 9:56 a.m.

Yesterday went pretty well. I successfully brought a smoothie into macroeconomics at breaktime without slurping in the front row and making an ass of myself... although admitedly I was a minute or two late getting back to class. Charlie Brown's, our little cafe here at SSU, is just too far and too popular to be able to get stuff during breaktimes. The problem is that when you're out of cash and Toast, the little coffee stand that never has anything good anyway, won't accept credit cards, then I am shit out of luck. I was having such a smoothie craving too- water simply wouldn't do. I needed to feel that fruity goodness sloshing down my throat, caressing my tongue, soothing my stomach. Oh.....orgasm.

I had a real hard time concentrating in economics anyway, which is strange because usually I find it really interesting. Today, my mind just seemed to be wandering all over the place. First I'm thinking about how my friends are doing, then going over things I need to get done but am procrastinating, then performing an entire episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer in my head, then staring at the map on the wall and wondering just how easy it would be to build a vast, invisible country in Greenland without ever being noticed. Greenland is huge! Most maps don't do it justice I feel. But seriously, bore under that permanent layer of snow and ice, and you could have miles and miles of underground cities, caves, tunnels, palaces. It would be so cool...hehehe.

Then it was on to the BIGLASS meeting, where Bobby from finally showed up. We're going around doing check-ins...

Me: Nothing big has been going on. I have a mystical retreat I'm going on this weekend, so I've been doing a lot of inner work to get ready: meditation, contemplation, etc.

Andy: Well, Dave failed to mention that we went out and got smashed this weekend!

Me: (hangs head as last vestiges of my saintly pride are shattered)

Bobby: Hi, this is my first meeting. I got an invitation from a friend so I thought I'd check it out...

Me: (Loudly from across the room) Are you the guy from

Lots of laughter ensues

Bobby: (Chuckling in a way so as you can't tell whether he's amused or embarassed) Yeah, that's me.

Bobby ended up leaving early. I was worried that he got scared away by a combination of my bumbling and Thin Dan's almost breaking down into tears while telling his story for our practice coming-out panel. I emailed Bobby later though and he said that he actually had to leave early so he could ask a professor about something, only to discover the guy wasn't around and his 1:00 class got cancelled anyway. Go figure.

Naughty thought for the day: Had Ceaser said his famous lines in a slightly different order - say, "I saw, I conquered, I came" - we would remember him in a very different light.

"Details in the Fabric" - May 31, 2009
Not So Quick Questions - April 6, 2009
The Morning Stars - Lords of the 15 - April 9, 2009
Sincerity and Faith in Magic - April 10, 2009
Not So Quick Questions (2) - April 14, 2009

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