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Hell Day/ Happy Day 2004-10-06 @ 2:19 p.m.

Yesterday was for the most part a very crappy day. I dropped $150 on groceries after discovering that a website I thought I was done with automatically resubscribed itself, sucked $40 out of my account and overdrafted it to grab another $100 out of my dad's account. I was so mad at myself yesterday I vowed to somehow get the money back into my dad's account and get a job within the next week. After writing back and forth with my mom though, I've calmed down a bit and my parents will just take the $110 out of my next stipend. This is good, because now I can finally send Jessica the money I owe her for the conference and have some backup money just in case. And the fridge is well stocked now.

Today has been a lot more positive. My skin is finally getting rid of the last of the pediculide I took a week ago and have been having an alergic reaction to ever since. I found a non-toxic homeopathic shampoo at Walgreens to make sure that I never see lice again. Oh my God - if you've never had to deal with it, know that lice are one of the most obnoxious and humiliating experiences a person can have.

I had a wonderful feeling of peace and happiness come over me this morning while I was meditating. I think I am finally beginning to understand what Loralea meant when she spoke of listening with inner ears. I am finally beginning to stop being so suspicious of myself and to just allow myself to experiment and experience without judgment. Now, not clinging or holding back, I can finally begin to really tap the living waters of intuition. Realizing how subtle this guidance really is, I found myself deeply quiet this morning in the silence necessary to hear intuition. That silence, if you have forgotten about it, is deeply healing by the way. I recommend everyone bask in it from time to time to refresh themselves.

We watched a really neat documentary in Art History today on the Florentine Medicis. I never realized that it was the Medici popes whose corruption and sale of indulgences helped kick start Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation. Or that Michaelangelo grew up under their guardianship and patronage and had a love/hate affair with them his whole life. The Renaissance is one of my favorite historical periods to study. I think we need more Renaissance men today - it would definately help things a lot. Unfortunately, we don't exactly have a culture that cultivates human potential. I feel though that in a way, I am sort of a Renaissance Man myself. Maybe, if God allows me, I can leave behind something that will help humanity long after I am gone.

"Details in the Fabric" - May 31, 2009
Not So Quick Questions - April 6, 2009
The Morning Stars - Lords of the 15 - April 9, 2009
Sincerity and Faith in Magic - April 10, 2009
Not So Quick Questions (2) - April 14, 2009

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