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Hey, I am Writing Again 2004-10-25 @ 8:13 p.m.

My parents are coming up to Sonoma County this week. My cousin Stacy is at outdoor camp for a week and my great aunt had leftover points to use up on her timeshare. So they will be staying at the Worldmark "resort" (if you could call it that) in Windsor and will come by to see me tomorrow. My dad has never seen my school and my mom has not seen it since we first looked at it back when I was considering where to go back to school at. The place is pretty clean so I think it will be ok. I might take them up to the park off Petaluma Hill Road if the weather is nice. Beautiful place, but the parking fee is absolutely ridiculous. They wanted to take me out to dinner too, which will be nice except that I am a vegetarian now and it will take some forethought to figure out a restaurant that will work well. Although, I have been learning to find something vegetarian wherever I go. Even if we go out for sushi (the original plan), I can just get some of the cucumber rolls and all will be well.

I signed a form in front of a public notary today for the travel restitution fund. By waiving my legal right to sue Visions Travel, my parents will be able to get all their money back. Which is fine with me, because it looks like Visions is going to be bankrupt now anyways. Although, one thing I found strange - why does it cost $10 to get something notarized? I mean come on! The guy watched me date and sign a paper and made a note of it in his little book. This is not rocket science.

I finally sat down today at the junior college library and did the readings for Sociology of Religion. Well, almost all of them - I went from being a month behind to a week behind, so that is an accomplishment of sorts. The only way I got that far anyway was by scanning, I method that I have rarely done and have failed to understand most of the time. The only reason scanning worked this time was as I read the material, I realized that through life experience and general knowledge gleaned through all the books I have already read and the documentaries I have seen, I already know most of the material anyway. Most of the time when I do reading for school, I actually take the time to throughly read my textbooks. This works best for me because I am mostly a visual learner and if I take the time to really read something, even the little details, I retain it well. Scanning though was the only way I made it through those assingments which covered more than two hundred pages.

"Details in the Fabric" - May 31, 2009
Not So Quick Questions - April 6, 2009
The Morning Stars - Lords of the 15 - April 9, 2009
Sincerity and Faith in Magic - April 10, 2009
Not So Quick Questions (2) - April 14, 2009

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