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Angels in America 2004-11-01 @ 8:00 p.m.

Last night and this afternoon I rented and watched "Angels in America". It was a very powerful experience for me. I know very few movies I have ever related to so much. Its my new favorite gay movie, although its more of a miniseries... six hours total or something like that, but so worth it. So many things that matter so much to me - Judaism, being gay, politics, suffering, faith, good and evil - were all addressed in such a profound way. It was so cathartic I actually cried a little at certain parts - when Joe is telling his wife about how he's tried so hard to be good by surpressing his sexuality for so long, and when Lewis says the Kaddish over Roy's body with Ethel Rosenberg whispering the words in his ear. I think this is the best movie anyone could see if you want to understand what it is like to be a gay man in America. I highly recommend it.

Now that daylight savings has pulled the clocks back an hour, I am getting to Santa Rosa junior college before the sun goes down. So today, I had half an hour and I just went upstairs and watched the sunset until classtime. It was wonderful - it gives you such a feeling of peace and quiet if you allow it to.

And everyone, tomorrow, for the love of God and what good is left in our country, please go vote. You are just one person, but every vote counts, especially in an election like this where things are so close. Don't you understand that a feeling of powerlessness is exactly what the guys in power WANT you to have? I find millions of people all moaning collectively about how they have no real power to be the greatest of ironies. Go vote tomorrow and let your voice be heard - it matters much more than you think.

"Details in the Fabric" - May 31, 2009
Not So Quick Questions - April 6, 2009
The Morning Stars - Lords of the 15 - April 9, 2009
Sincerity and Faith in Magic - April 10, 2009
Not So Quick Questions (2) - April 14, 2009

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