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Super Reactionary Bitch Lady! 2004-11-06 @ 11:06 a.m.

I've been dealing with the very challenging situation recently of trying to moderate political discussions on my Internet Community. The day after the election, while most of us on The Other Side were mourning the results, trying to figure out what went wrong and planning about what to do hereon in, a super-conservative decided to join the site. Not only this, but she apparently spent a couple of hours reading posts and then shot off about ten posts of her own within a two hour period. It has been really hard trying to restrain my liberal friends from trying to strangle the bitch. I am really tempted to do it myself, but thusfar I have been striving to respond to her posts cooly and intelligently. Apparently its not enough, because if I disagree with her at all she seems to conclude I'm a narrow-minded hater. LADY, LOOK WHO'S TALKING! And I've been biting my lip and approving most of her stupidity-filled messages, except one where she started making character attacks on other members. God, I knew there was a ton of ignorance going on the country, but seeing it face to face (or at least post to post) is that much more painful.

Einstein once said there were two infinite things - the Universe and human stupidity, and he wasn't entirely sure about the universe.

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Not So Quick Questions - April 6, 2009
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Not So Quick Questions (2) - April 14, 2009

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