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Confusing Dream 2004-11-08 @ 8:29 a.m.

Today is my art history midterm, and I am really not ready for it. I have about three hours now to prepare for it, but I don't know how much that will help. Cramming is never the most effective method. I want to say I appreciate the culture and history of this subject, but I have to admit that a lot of the time, its pretty boring. It just does not seem important to me at this time, like many of the classes one has to take to fill bacalaureate requirements. I am really getting sick of school. I've been thinking more and more that given the option, taking a full year off will be preferable to going straight to grad school next year. I am sure Europe will be able to open my eyes in many ways if I can ever get enough money together to fund an extended trip there.

My dreams lately have been very interesting. I think they are trying to tell me something, but I am not certain how to interpret it. A couple nights ago I had a dream with all the spiritual teachers I have ever known. I was in some suburban sprawl valley where it was very hot. It seemed a lot like Southern California, although it could have been the South Bay. I worked on crystals with Loralea, but I stopped with that and drew out the strangest thing. It was a kid's kickball or soccerball that was filled with sand. And I said that the sand had the property that was good for the energy I was working with - like it was electrical or something. Sand is mostly silicon, so that does make some sense. Maybe a trip to the beach would be in order? It's gotta be pretty cold this time of year though. I also walked and did things with Tim and Jessica in the dream. But strangest of all was that I ended up going on a long walk outside with Sylvia Browne. I have never really met the lady in person, although she waved and smiled at me once when she came up to Renton and I returned the favor. I turned around and asked her in the dream if she was for real. She said she was, but this only confuses me more. I continued walking with her, and she started telling me a story about one of the lady's who is her minister. She said that she lost a child in a fire up near the place we were walking. I didn't really see the relevance of the story and I've always been sick of the Novus ministers' martyr complexes. As I was thinking about what next I should say to Ms. Brown, we suddenly came upon the strangest thing. I saw a sign on the side of the hill with my last name emblazoned on it. Then I looked around and saw another one, and then they were everywhere. There was even a big one drapped like an entranceway over the path. I ended up waking up then, but isn't that strange? People used to call me by my last name a lot in junior high and high school, but I really don't know what to make of that image. I'm hesistant to post it on The Other Side because so many of the people there are quite zealous when it comes to Novus Spiritus and Sylvia Browne. I don't think I would get a fair interpretation. So, I'm left to meditate on it, I guess

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Not So Quick Questions - April 6, 2009
The Morning Stars - Lords of the 15 - April 9, 2009
Sincerity and Faith in Magic - April 10, 2009
Not So Quick Questions (2) - April 14, 2009

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