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Crusing in California 2005-01-28 @ 10:48 a.m.

I updated my links page with links to the two Aikido schools I train with in Washington. I think I'll go stick a link on there for SSU too while I'm at it.

Yesterday I locked myself in my dad's hotel room for half the day and, after a healthy session of net surfing, e-mails and...certain Internet pleasures... I settled in and finally did that online driver's ed course I needed to prevent that speeding ticket from going on my insurance record. It actually wasn't that bad - the little cartoons and stuff were kind of funny actually. You follow along with this young hippie guy named Sam who is trying to fix his mother-in-law's bad habits. She talks in mumbles, has an eyeless dog in the backseat, and kicks Sam repeatedly. If you need to go through one of these things too, the program is at (if I remember it correctly - you can just find it on google otherwise).

Oh, and crazy California driving facts:
*If a parent is driving with a child 16 or over and the child isn't wearing a seatbelt, the CHILD can get a ticket regardless of whether he has a license or not!
*Road rage is now a felony in many states, and its incidence has gone up 51% in the last decade.
*The only legal things you may throw onto the roads in California are clear water and live chicken feathers. (I've been trying to figure this one out - my dad thinks the Petaluma lobby had something to do with this).
*If you are being followed by a drunk driver, do not speed up or attempt to pull off the road. Most drunks follow your taillights and use these to gauge the roads, and a lot of the fatalities come from them rear-ending people who try these. Instead, turn off at the first exit ramp or street that you find and call the police as soon as you can.
*If you honk your horn and blink your lights repeatedly, drivers are required by law to give you the right of way in CA. Use this for emergencies, but be aware that any other use guarantees you a ticket.

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Not So Quick Questions - April 6, 2009
The Morning Stars - Lords of the 15 - April 9, 2009
Sincerity and Faith in Magic - April 10, 2009
Not So Quick Questions (2) - April 14, 2009

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