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This Semester's Lineup 2005-02-03 @ 2:02 p.m.

I should probably be working right now, but I've just got so much I want to write and tell you all about that I have to get a little of it out.

Let me tell you the lineup for classes this semester:
*SOC 435 - Media Censorship (aka, Project Censored): I joined this class because I wanted to make a difference, fight the good fight, and put something spiffy on my grad school applications. There's also some personal questions I have spurred on by the ongoing political tension between me and my grandparents. Like - is it even possible to have a fair, balanced and unbiased media? What would that look like? How should stories be prioritized? How long should the news be? How do you avoid bias? Things like that. This class looks like it will be a lot of work, but also be very rewarding. I could be published! My first research assignment was on maps of Iraqi oilfields being found in Dick Cheney's Energy Taskforce Reports to the Commerce Department. I already feel like those two Watergate reporters - hot on the trail of a hot story! 4 units

*SOC 499 - Internship: I got sucked into joining the Writing intership team for Project Censored, and because one unit would just be so difficult to cordinate, they convinced me to sign up for two units. But I may end up writing a whole chapter for the book!

*KIN 101 - Tai Chi Gung: This has to be the most hippie class I have ever taken. My teacher pronounces breathe in a way that sounds like brie cheese. "BrIEth in, brEEEEEth out". Between trying not to laugh, the blindfold rubbing my contacts out of place, and a bad case of post-nasal drip, I haven't been able to start the class off well yet. Oh, and we all have to give every person in the class a bow and a hug at the end. While time consuming, this confirms my earlier conclusions: guys are big, strong, and feel comfy and protective. Girls are short, skinny, and break easily.
1 unit.

WGS 301 - Queer Studies Lecture Series: Yea, another class with Nan! Although I made an ass of myself today, coming in ten minutes late and then loudly bumping the desk as I came forward to grab a syllabus. I was surprised to find that Dr. Estes is going to be one of the presenters, and he's going to be talking about the Gay Veterans oral history project that I am working on. Maybe he'll even share some of my work - nah, that's ego on my part. 1 unit.

HIST 482 - Judaism and Christianity in the Hellenestic World: I get to do my senior seminar with Dr. Poe on my specialty topics! How cool is that? 4 units

HIST 499 - Honors Seminar: I still need to hurry up and pick a subject so Dr. Poe can sign me off and Dr. Abbot can approve me to register for the class. Shit, I should probably do this by tomorrow.

And, if that wasn't enough, I'm taking Hebrew 2 at Santa Rosa JC and a class on religious experiences with Dr. Burack from UC Berkeley Extension.

And of course, I have my ongoing independant studies of the esoteric and occult. I think I might be ready to try angel summoning this year!

If I don't overwork myself, this semester is going to rock!

"Details in the Fabric" - May 31, 2009
Not So Quick Questions - April 6, 2009
The Morning Stars - Lords of the 15 - April 9, 2009
Sincerity and Faith in Magic - April 10, 2009
Not So Quick Questions (2) - April 14, 2009

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