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Bad Dave... bad, bad Dave... 2005-02-06 @ 10:35 a.m.

I am sick with something at the moment; not enough to make my stomach sick, but enough for a serious headache, a lack of energy and some sore muscles. Interestingly, the thing that is making me feel the most better is lemon tea of all things.

I came back to my parents place yesterday and crashed after having spent the night with a guy named Bradley in El Cerrito. Bradley I met and proceded to hastily make out with Thursday night when Greg and I went down to the Crib (18+ club in San Francisco). We were acting like absolute sluts at the club, and while I won't go into details, let's just say it probably wasn't legal. So then I figure, "Well, at the least I owe him a date". So I go to El Cerrito Friday night and go out to dinner with him at a Chinese place, followed by Starbucks. The date really doesn't go that great, so we end up going back to his place to ostensibly watch a movie. The movie ends up waiting though as we are suddenly having lots of sex. Then we watch the movie - "The Sweetest Thing" with Cameron Diaz, which turns out to be suprisingly good, although zany. I end up sleeping with him, and we lounge around for a few hours in bed the next morning, channel surfing, commenting on the tv, and eventually settling on a Discovery channel special on solar weather and how there's one more way all of life on Earth could be obliterated without warning. Carpe diem, I guess.

So Brad was asking me if we could get together next Tuesday, and I said I had to check my schedule. But in reality, I'm not sure if I want to see him again. I keep trying to come up with reasons to give him another chance, but I keep thinking of ways to let him off easily instead. I am such a jerk to do this. Yes, the sex was great, but I don't think our personalities mesh well. But then, maybe I ought to give him another chance to prove himself? I don't really know what to do, but I'll try to figure it out by next Tuesday. I think what I'm gonna tell him is that I have met someone else that I want to exclusively date. Which is true, except Nick is in LA (although we have this awesome romantic getaway to Morro Beach planned for Valentine's weekend). On the one hand, I have real feelings for Nick that I haven't had for a guy in years. On the other hand, I feel obligated to give Bradley more of a chance since I now feel like I took advantage of him. And while Joel's in Reno at the moment, he's still lingering in the background as a possibility too. Whatever I decide, I have to do it quickly and be upfront - no more leading on for me.

"Details in the Fabric" - May 31, 2009
Not So Quick Questions - April 6, 2009
The Morning Stars - Lords of the 15 - April 9, 2009
Sincerity and Faith in Magic - April 10, 2009
Not So Quick Questions (2) - April 14, 2009

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