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I don't feel like a title, so there! April 04, 2005 @ 10:31 p.m.

My dorm room is a mess, but I think I can get it cleaned up tonight. I'm wondering whether I should even bother hanging up my clothes or just leave them in the bag. Let's see... 7-8 more weeks...probably should go ahead and hang them up. It'll look better anyway, and somehow a clean room always makes things a little easier for me to deal with.

The drive up 101 from Los Angeles was very pretty. The mountains are covered in grass and wildflowers - mustard, lupines, even poppies. It was all nice and good until I realized that my stops had been too long and I hadn't started out fast enough, and thus was an hour late to class. I hate driving when you know you're going to be late. It has been very hard for me not to obsess about it. Even if I finally convince myself, "Yes, you're going to be late. There's no way around it - you are not able to teleport cars yet," I still try to figure out how best to be late and worse-case scenarios and all the rest of it. It turned out it wasn't a big deal anyway, since we just spent the rest of class from there on in looking over the stories, killing some and linking others, and then finally voting on our preferred voting. The elimination towards the Project Censored Top 25 continues.

There's a little bit of food left here, but not much to work with. I'm gonna need to get another transcription done so I can go out and do some shopping. I'm sure the bank account is fried after this weekend, even given that mom was kind enough to give me my stipend before I went back to school. Still, Nick paid for most of the weekend so I've no reason to bitch... except I should have probably gotten a cheaper tour for the Queen Mary since we ended up not being able to stay that long.

Is there any gay man out there that I can find truly attractive? Or did nature just play some cruel joke on me that I will be forever attracted to only straight men and thus never know sexual fulfillment? Argh...

"Details in the Fabric" - May 31, 2009
Not So Quick Questions - April 6, 2009
The Morning Stars - Lords of the 15 - April 9, 2009
Sincerity and Faith in Magic - April 10, 2009
Not So Quick Questions (2) - April 14, 2009

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