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Scrying for the Good Stuff June 08, 2005 @ 2:18 p.m.

Bagel with cream cheese and blueberries...yummy!

Samuel Adams Boston lager...not a good choice.

I'm looking around at various magical compendium CD-ROMs on Ebay and wondering whether any of them are any good. I need to get a hold of some of the classical books of shadows, grimoires and occult works for my research and practice, but I'm not sure I want to spend all that money to get them in print when I could get them all in one place on a convenient pdf file. I'm not sure about some of these though - although they look like they have a lot of good stuff on them, the price makes me suspicious. If anyone has any experience and recommendations in this department, your advice would be most welcome. Mostly I want to get the lesser and greater keys of Solomon, but I want to get some other good stuff while I'm at it, and not a bunch of what my friend Wade calls "witchcrap".

I finally got a hold of Donald Tyson's book on scrying and have been eating that up. I realized a few weeks ago while talking to Roxy that there actually has been a time in the past when I have successfully scryed, and thus there is hope for me yet. When I was very young, living in Long Beach, the walls of my shower were made of a kind of faux marbelite, and the floor had a variegated design of tile. Some times when I was doo-daing around in there, I would stare off into space through these mediums, and find to my wonder that the random lines and folds would suddenly coallesce into figures and murals of all kinds. I also found that even looking at the same section of lines could create different figures depending on how your mind viewed it... kind of like that famous optical illusion where you can see either an old lady or a young woman. I didn't know it at the time, and it wasn't focused on any topic in particular, but I was doing a kind of scrying.

Years later, I decided to sit down in the guest bathroom here at my parents and stare at the marbleish border around the painting in the bathroom. And it came back. This time though, I'm trying to be more focused with it. I'm not sure if I've been sucessful with that. I asked for general guidance for this place in my life, and although many strange images came to me, several in particular repeated themselves: cups/glasses, rivers, and naked women, oddly enough. These are all lunar and water elemental symbols though... I wonder what it could mean? Maybe it relates to the way I'm investing more time and enjoyment in the sensual these days - getting to know and enjoy myself more in the process.

"Details in the Fabric" - May 31, 2009
Not So Quick Questions - April 6, 2009
The Morning Stars - Lords of the 15 - April 9, 2009
Sincerity and Faith in Magic - April 10, 2009
Not So Quick Questions (2) - April 14, 2009

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