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Back and Forth June 08, 2005 @ 10:56 a.m.

My back has been giving me grief for so long now I can't even remember when it started. It tends to get much worse when I'm under stress. But pretty much all the time now, I've got discomfort in my lumbar area - a persistent feeling like it can't hold up my own weight. For the longest time I haven't dealt with any of these problems efficiently. I've been busy, or I just blamed it on stress, or I figured it was some kind of temporary injury that just needed to heal. Well, I finally got around to seeing a chiropractor. I looked at the x-rays he took today and apparently I have two different problems - one with my sacrum being out of alignment and one with one of my thoracic (or was it lumbar?) vertabrae being off and pinching my spinal cord. That would explain a lot of the stomach problems and the minor sciatica. So anyway, I have to get fourteen weeks worth of adjustments now. But expensive as this is, it won't be nearly as bad as the back surgery and disc wear I could have expected had I let this continue. Glad I finally took care of it.

I've been taking some time during these lazy days at my parents' hosue to try to reconnect with old friends I haven't seen or talked to in ages. Graduation gives you a good enough excuse to get in touch with someone that it can balance out your lack of excuses for falling out of touch with them in the first place. Last week when I was on, doing a magical shopping spree, I discovered it had saved my friend Ben's address and was quite happy to recopy it. I haven't seen Ben in about two years and I thought I had lost all his contact information. I wrote him a long letter on my deluxe horses-at-the-beach stationary (which I also haven't used in ages) and sent it to his parents address in the hopes they would forward it on. Luckily, he got it and called me yesterday to tell me how happy and excited he was about it. That made me feel good.

Baruch also sent me one of his characteristic two-word emails yesterday as well, but I'm just happy to hear from him at all and to know he still thinks about me from time to time. Even James IM'd me early this morning to verify for the second time the identity of the mystery screename on my buddy list and to ask why I hadn't called him even though I was now local. How did he know I was local? Can he tell that just by looking at my IM screen, or did I let him know and forget? I think I sent him a graduation announcement - he probably deduced it from that.

I have been absolutely lax in searching out jobs, but surprisingly, my parents and even my grandparents have encouraged me to enjoy some vacation time for the last two weeks. I think if they knew how little I really was working at school they wouldn't be so amicable to my spending inordinate amounts of time on the computer, watching DVDs and reading. I got on Sonoma State's website today and found my grades for the semester. Mostly a bunch of Credits that don't affect my GPA, along with a withdraw for my honors seminar, an A in Media Censorship (Project Censored) and a C in Poe's course. And although I might have been a little wistful that I only got a C in there and I might have done better, I found it hilarious that even though I just stopped coming to class halfway through the semester, the psycho Chinese claw-demon gave me credit for that pathetic excuse for a tai chi class! God has always thrown in something unexpected when it comes to my college grades.

"Details in the Fabric" - May 31, 2009
Not So Quick Questions - April 6, 2009
The Morning Stars - Lords of the 15 - April 9, 2009
Sincerity and Faith in Magic - April 10, 2009
Not So Quick Questions (2) - April 14, 2009

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