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Hereditary Bibliomania June 09, 2005 @ 1:16 p.m.

I decided yesterday to drag out all my books from the garage, go through them, organize them, and decide which ones I wanted to keep, give away, or simply trash. I ended up expanding my efforts into a massive reorganization of my family's three large bookshelves. If I haven't told you already, we are real bibliophiles. Which is a good thing I guess. I organized the bookshelf by sections:
*Dad's leadercrap books (actually only half of them - the rest are in his room - and they still take up an entire shelf)
*Dad's scouting books and binders
*Memoirs and Biographies - we actually seem to be very interested in these. I've got all my David Sedaris books up there, where as mom seems to buy whatever Oprah commands, even if she later admits she didn't care for it.
*Other Non fiction - Papa is always giving us these huge compendiums on science and mathematics, which are verbose and probably obsolete. He really does read this stuff in his free time, but does he expect us to?
*Hardback fiction
*Travel, poetry, and Hardback Tom Clancy novels (why my Dad decided to get them all as these giant hardbacks is beyond me)
*Chemistry and Science magazines - the secrets of bioconjugation and nanotechnology, as well as how to make drops of water spin in a circle.
*paperback fiction/romance novels (lining the mini side shelves - I've noticed that trashy romance novels usually have the guy and the girl in the same position on their covers, and merely variate in time period and costume. Take a look sometime, or try doing a "romance novel cover" on your spouse for hours of amusement.)
*Forgotten Realms and Star Wars books in the cabinet(My brother and I are such nerds)
*Cool Children's books (This is interesting. My mom gave away a bunch of kid's books to my cousins, but she keeps all the really "nice" ones to herself because she loves the stories and illustrations. Maybe someday we can pass them on.)
*Computer game manuals (I'm undecided about these. A lot of these are for games we never play anymore, but they are awfully helpful when we do. I did get rid of a lot of the excess documentation shit such as quick reference guides, troubleshooting, and product catalogs - who the hell was saving THOSE?)
*Home improvement and gardening
*The "did we really read this stuff?" shelf, which includes an assortment of weight loss books, pop psychology ala Dr. Phil, political rant books, and my mom's "don't sweat the small stuff" collection.
*Big fantasies on the top shelf, including Harry Potter, Anne Rice, Marion Zimmer Bradley, and RA Salvatore

We are officially out of space. And while I am donating a bunch of my religious studies textbooks to the Gnostic Order, I still have so many books that I'm probably going to have to buy three bookshelves for my own place when the time comes

"Details in the Fabric" - May 31, 2009
Not So Quick Questions - April 6, 2009
The Morning Stars - Lords of the 15 - April 9, 2009
Sincerity and Faith in Magic - April 10, 2009
Not So Quick Questions (2) - April 14, 2009

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