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Scrolling Screens June 14, 2005 @ 10:47 a.m.

There's an interesting method I've discovered for helping both to keep track of the passage of time in your life and how satisfied you are with how you're spending it: Don't divide your time up into days seperated by dreams. Pick a convenient reference point in the past for your concern, and instead of counting days, just see it as one continuous stream of uninterrupted time, with sleep being just one of any number of activities you do during that time. This is great for beginning to become more conscious and involved with your dreams - realizing how much time you do and must spend asleep and dreaming, why not make the best of it? Start a dream journal, listen to the guidance your dreams have to offer...see if you can change them to open up new possibilities. But not just in dreams - I think this whole perspective allows you to see overall patterns in how your time and energy is being spent, and the cycles it goes through. With that perspective, you may feel better about the way things are, or you may dislike the way things are going and choose to change things. Just have faith and patience in yourself.

While in the general area of memory lane, Jonathan and I got into a great conversation about classic video games the other day, and we even played Super Mario World together. I love that game! Its so charming, and well done, with beautiful music and cute characters and simply hours of fun! And wow - Jon and I didn't realize there were so many adult references hidden in there! We were cracking up debating the true meaning behind everything from the magic mushrooms to the pill shaped hills. I spent a significant portion of my time as a child playing video games, and that's usually something I look back on with regret and beat myself up for. But talking with Jon, I realized that there was a lot of good I got out of them. We had so much fun playing all these games with so much unique character. They gave us confidence and put our minds to the test now and then. I think that as cool as some of the new games are, they are missing some of the charm of the old ones. Those programmers created some really memorable stuff - very impressive given the fact the had so little to work with. Mario World was a 16 bit game, and now we're up to over 100 bits in the games coming out now. And yet, its games like Mario that really make an impression on us.

Jonathan, Scott, Todd, Colby and I used to play hours of video and computer games in our bonus room in Washington. I totally admit that sometimes it really got out of hand and we got downright lazy and overdid it, often driving my mom nuts in the process cause she couldn't get us to do our chores. But a lot of times, we really had a blast in their, bonding over something so simple and yet joyous. It makes me think that maybe even a little extremism from time to time is necessary for real moderation and a healthy life.

"Details in the Fabric" - May 31, 2009
Not So Quick Questions - April 6, 2009
The Morning Stars - Lords of the 15 - April 9, 2009
Sincerity and Faith in Magic - April 10, 2009
Not So Quick Questions (2) - April 14, 2009

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