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Back in the Saddle Again August 05, 2005 @ 10:48 a.m.

First of all, go check out Beth's entry for today. Hillarious.

Yeah, I know - where the hell have I been? As usual friends, no good excuse. At least I'm honest.

I don't really know where to start as far as the last two weeks of missing in diaryland action (MIDA). So I'll just jump right in. After a few weeks of extremely enjoyable summer vacation, I figured it might be a good idea to to apply for a job. Three weeks later, it occured to me that maybe I should work a little faster at getting my paperwork in. After another week, the thought of applying to more than one job crossed my mind. And given another week, I had the startling notion that I could apply for more than one job per week! I'm almost up to spending an hour a day on job hunting - I'm so proud of myself. My goal is to get up to around a forty hour work week, with benefits as possible. At the current rate, it looks like I may be working three part time jobs with no benefits. But you know, its not as if I have a lot to insure at this point, so I'm not terribly worried. The main goal is to get working on a job that I believe and enjoy for the next year or two, and move into my own place (previous entries have established this).

So I got all my stuff into the tutoring agency and I'm waiting for them to give me my first assignments. Summer is slow, but still, its been almost a week now. Would it be a bad idea to remind them I exist? Not that I blame them, considering I took so long to collect all the dragon balls they wanted for my file.

Also, today I have an interview to be a Sunday school teacher for 7th graders at Ner Shalom in Cotati. I didn't even know there was a synagogue in Cotati, much less a reconstructionist one.
"Yeah, we haven't been very good about getting the word out" my contact told me. And while they do have their own building, they're apparently hiding behind the fire department, so maybe it isn't completely crazy that in two years I never had any idea they were there.

Other happenings in my life:
* I obtained the Mega Man Anniversary Collection for Playstation 2 and have already beaten Mega Man 1-6. I'm so happy now that I'm onto 7, which was the first in the original series that was designed for something grander than the 8-bit original nintendo system. Gotta love the classics.

* I experimented for a while with casual sex hookups on Craig's List with guys in the eastbay. Figuring that I don't want to date while I'm over here since I'll be moving, I thought this would work well. While I have had an occasional hot encounter, I'm surprised and annoyed how many guys claim they want booty when they really want a date. I also realized something that I've know for a while but been reticent to admit: I need to end up with a guy who shares my occult and spiritual passions. While clarifying, this is infinitely annoying, as it further strains the already very limited pool of guys who would be good boyfriends for Dave.

*My dad and brother were gone for two weeks to the National Boy Scouts Jamboree in Virginia. The Jamboree always gets publicity when it happens every four years, but this year it got a lot more for the incredible stupidity and tragedy that was going on. Understand that the heat index was around 116 degrees Fahrenheit and that the way the camps are spread out, many of the outlying troops have to walk for several miles and an hour or two in the heat to get to the arena show. When six hundred scouters began passing out and had to be air-evacuated from the site, it finally occured to the planners that maybe, just maybe, the opening show ought to be cancelled. And not just with the opening show, but all through the Jamboree, people were dropping like flies from heat exhaustion. And you gotta know there were a bunch of tight assed scoutmasters out there making their kids walk from one end of the site to another for hours in full dress uniform. On top of all this, there was this horrible accident where a contingent from Alaska was setting up a pavilion tent next to a power line, and the tent pole fell on the power line and electrocuted the four scout leaders staking in the tent to death. With their sons watching.

Despite all this horror, Jonathan and my dad managed to have a pretty good time. My dad ran an action center where the kids got to try out new experimental and extreme sports. Jonathan worked on a crew that was handling a new thing called mountainboarding. Apparently, you ride a heavy duty skateboard down a mountain. Sounds scary and dangerous, but he says its a blast. Jon also got really lucky to have a really good group of peers to work with, including several girls from the Venturing groups, one with which he hooked up. And Jon apparently got really high marks as a favorite instructor among the boys. I knew he had it in him.

I'll fill ya in with more later :)

"Details in the Fabric" - May 31, 2009
Not So Quick Questions - April 6, 2009
The Morning Stars - Lords of the 15 - April 9, 2009
Sincerity and Faith in Magic - April 10, 2009
Not So Quick Questions (2) - April 14, 2009

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