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Crash Courses September 25, 2005 @ 2:16 p.m.

Ever notice how air conditioning makes you sleepy after you come in out of the heat?

Just something random to ponder.

So Heath's friend Alicia's birthday was the other night, and we ended up going to a very old, very classic, very good but very pricey Italian joint in Petaluma named Vulpi's or Volpi's or something like that. Dinner took a long time, but a continual supply of bread and two glasses of White Zinfandel helped things along. I played the 5th wheel for a great deal of the time, but it was an interesting atmosphere so I didn't mind too much. What was really interesting was all the hot guys that kept popping up all over the place, several of which were at our table, two of which were openly gay and together (which was a shame for me, as the tall one - I think his name was Joe - was quite attractive).

We ended up going out afterwards to a club called Kodiak Jack's. There was country music and line dancing going on and it was really cool. I wanted to dance but the last time I did line dancing was the Electric Slide in 6th grade. I didn't know any of the dances, and the floor was so crowded I didn't want to be falling all over people and getting in the way. I asked Heath to teach me but apparently he had never done it either. He was being generally sourpussy as usual - why am I dating this guy again? The sheer oddness of the situations I end up in when I'm around him I suppose.

I stayed the night with Heath and made out quite a bit. Getting up early this morning though was quite a bitch - felt like I was back at Boy Scout camp being forced to wake up at an ungodly hour for no good reason. Meanwhile, another guy named Mick from MySpace has been playing phone tag with me, further complicated by us both having cell phones that easily go out of range of signal. So the dance of dates continues.

Dor Hadash went fairly well today, although with Leslie gone any kind of paperwork we were supposed to sign or send home to parents conveniently disappeared. I covered a lot of Hebrew phoenetics with the kids the first hour, and in the second found myself giving them a crash course in Qabalah in order to discuss the creation theories of Isaac Luria as the Rabbi had planned. There was so much to tackle that we only got 85% of the way through the lesson plan, but then Rabbi Elisheva came in at the end and told me she had only gotten maybe halfway through her own lesson plan for the 8th grade confirmation class. So she's aware that maybe the curriculems - at least the time planned to cover them - are a bit too ambitious considering what little knowledge the kids are starting with (apparently the program director for the last few years hadn't done a very good job).

"Details in the Fabric" - May 31, 2009
Not So Quick Questions - April 6, 2009
The Morning Stars - Lords of the 15 - April 9, 2009
Sincerity and Faith in Magic - April 10, 2009
Not So Quick Questions (2) - April 14, 2009

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