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The Joy of Job Interviews October 06, 2005 @ 10:16 p.m.

The job search continues. This week I had two interviews - one with Aunt Ann's In-House Staffing in San Francisco (to be put into their nanny registry) and the other for an activity facilitator position for the Larkspur Center of the Marin Brain Injury Network in San Rafael. Wow, what a run-on sentence. And no annoying teacher to stop me! Mwahahahaha!

The interview in SF would have gone well, except that the idea mapquest gave me of how long it would take me to walk to the place from the BART station was kind of deceiving. It ended up taking me 40 minutes, in my God-damned evil Van's shoes that cut my heels up. I don't get this - I've bought Vans shoes for a couple years now because they were always so comfy, good looking and affordable, but this pair just really rubs me the wrong way. Literally. Anyway, I was late to the interview, and then got in and found out that I had forgotten to fill out and bring all the paperwork they sent me over email. It took an hour or so to get that taken care of, and at least twenty minutes must have been spent just copying my work history from my resume to their forms (does anybody else find that pointless? I mean, I can understand if my data was all over the place, but this form was almost exactly the same as the way I organized my resume. Grrr).

The interview at MBIN went very well though, which is surprising considering I messed up so royally in the phone interview the other week:

Me:"...Well, the joy of having a job like this is that you get to go home at the end of the day so the stress doesn't get to you."
Margaret:"No, that's not the joy of this job."
Me:"Of course not! What I meant is..." (hitting myself over the head repeatedly)

Amazingly, Margaret was actually pretty impresed with me, despite my lack of much experience. She showed me around the center (nice new place) and had me observe and participate with the group through an expressive art activity. I liked it - it wouldn't be stressful in the way working with developmentally disabled people would be. Some of these people you could meet on the street and have no idea they had a brain injury. Others might have trouble moving, speaking or keeping their eyelids open, but are otherwise very intelligent and funny people. Margaret thought I was a good match, although she told me that she had almost hired another guy for the job. The thing is, even though he has more experience than me, he's not sure he's going to take the job because he's got another job offer that pays better. So it looks like I'd be next in line if that happens.

"Details in the Fabric" - May 31, 2009
Not So Quick Questions - April 6, 2009
The Morning Stars - Lords of the 15 - April 9, 2009
Sincerity and Faith in Magic - April 10, 2009
Not So Quick Questions (2) - April 14, 2009

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