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Thoracic Pain is a Bitch October 07, 2005 @ 7:55 p.m.

My back was being a real bitch today, but in a new and different way. Usually the problems are in my lumbar region, or if they are in my thoracic vertabrae its just tight muscles or heartburn. Now it really feels like there's some kind of vice on the nerves in my spine. The muscles are fine, and no kind of stretch seems to work. So I took some ibuprofen, drank some wine and went in the spa for awhile. It helped a little, but not totally. Mom thinks its a good sign that the chiropractor is working and my spine is getting back in shape.

Roxanne's birthday celebration is tomorrow night and I am going to go get her gift tomorrow morning. She asked for a Harry Potter book or a Latin dictionary. I think I'm gonna get her the dictionary just because its the kind of gift I'm suited to give. I'm also gonna ask her if she wants to go with me to see David Gray in a couple weeks.

I went down to Rosicrucian Park again today, AFTER checking to make sure the library would actually be open this time. I met another guy my age named Drew who was watching the library for the day. I also saw Brendan again. What a nice guy. Cute too. And is he just being really nice to me, or is he interested? God I hate mixed signals. Meanwhile, when not drooling over guys, I got to read most of Francis Lenormant's Chaldean Magic. I learned a lot of interesting and useful things about Mesopotamian religion and magic, which of all ancient civilizations seems to be the most intimidating and confusing to students. Its interesting that they actually had developed a very complex daemonology hierarchy, which they enhanced with numerology. Interesting how many different cultures with such different origins lived, fought and worshipped in what is now Iraq.

I spent less than two hours on Final Fantasy X today, which is better than yesterday. I'm trying to capture every fiend in the game to get all the rare goodies.

Mom woke me up this morning yelling at Stacy around 6:30. Apparently, Stacy has been sneaking down early and gorging on chocolate chips, which is twice the insult considering she never eats at meals.

"Details in the Fabric" - May 31, 2009
Not So Quick Questions - April 6, 2009
The Morning Stars - Lords of the 15 - April 9, 2009
Sincerity and Faith in Magic - April 10, 2009
Not So Quick Questions (2) - April 14, 2009

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