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Stream of Thought November 16, 2005 @ 10:33 p.m.

Random things going on in my life and through my head lately (presented in stream-o-thought vision):

*I have no Internet access at home (referring to the apartment as home still seems weird), and so cannot enjoy a rather great Internet group I subscribe to which brightens their members' lives everyday by sending them naked photos of hot guys without viruses, spam or lack of permission. I was sorely tempted to sneak a peak at the office, but the simultaneous arrival of multiple coworkers in my room was taken as a sign from fate not to fuck around. Kind of like the time I thought I might kill myself by overdosing on iron and Stacy appearing out of the blue to give me one of those looks.

*I yelled at Stacy in a rather nasty way on Sunday when she decided that my day for moving my stuff into my new place was really not that special, and didn't warrant any deviation from her usually crappy behavior and disposition.
I still feel bad about it - this isn't the first time. Emotionally, I am beginning to lose patience with her the way my mom lost it months ago. Intellectually, I can see the road I'm headed down and desperately don't want to turn into a cruel asshole the way my aunt and mom did to her.

*Speaking of cruel assholes, I went back to Allan Cronshaw's yahoo group today deciding I might take a shot at reading some more pieces of the ongoing thread that should be titled "Why Allan can't give a straight answer to questions about his spiritual authority and experiences" or "Why questioning such does not make us blind, carnal, unspiritual, doubting Thomases, faithless, etc". Instead, the first threads that caught my eye were three anti-gay messages the so-called Nazirene posted. Only having time to look at one, it was an article about how punishments against bestiality are being softened in one state and how this is supposedly the natural progression of gay rights (oh excuse me, "homosexual" rights - we're still clinical in this context). Do I even want to tackle this one? I probably will just because somebody needs to stand up for what appears to either be a sweeping change on archaic sodomy laws, a bad choice of legal language and tactic on the part of someone sincerely working for gay rights, a bunch of asshole conservatives misinterpreting material out of context to fit their myth of an evil homosexual agenda, or some combination thereof.

*Are orange and brown a bad color combination? I can't decide.

*I can't decide if I should go to Hebrew classes on Wednesdays nights in Santa Rosa when I have to drive up from San Rafael in pretty much rush hour traffic. I do enjoy the class though, and it is important I get more Hebrew - both for me and my students sake, who are beginning to get wise to the fact I am far from an expert. Norman suggested I might be able to take some backroads by taking a route off of 32 to connect to Adobe Road and Petaluma Hill Road. The last time I tried that I beleive I ended up at Lake Berryessa. I did, however, find a great restaurant I have never been able to find again.

*The restaurants in Marin are fucking expensive! God-damned Quiznos charged me $10 for a foot long veggie sub with drinks and chips. See if I ever do business there again!

*I'm glad I don't work in the business world, but this close runner-up sitting most of the day at desk with little supervision and plenty of oppertunity to goof off and still get paid - whilst I listen to horrible news on KPFA about how America continues to transform into Rome and the world descends deeper into hell - has got me feeling both a little bored and a little guilty.

*They say too much guilt is unhealthy, but in my life, its more of an alert that something needs changing - either my perspective, or my practice.

*I need to meditate.

*I don't like meditating

*Well, sometimes I like meditating.

"Details in the Fabric" - May 31, 2009
Not So Quick Questions - April 6, 2009
The Morning Stars - Lords of the 15 - April 9, 2009
Sincerity and Faith in Magic - April 10, 2009
Not So Quick Questions (2) - April 14, 2009

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