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Past Lives November 19, 2005 @ 9:45 a.m.

I've never been especially desperate to find out about past lives I may have lived. The fact that most of my friends with The Sight complained a lot about how people were always asking them for readings kind of sealed it up. Lately though, they are volunteering bits and pieces to me. And, more so than the self-deluded fantasies I imagined under Novus Spiritus' hypnotism, they make sense.

Ben asked me over the phone one night if I had any past life memories of being with him. I responded that I don't have any past life memories period. He said he had brought it up because he seemed to have recognized me in memories he claims come from a life in Atlantis. I'm not sure I even believe in Atlantis in the way that most of the New Age folk conceive of it. But as I asked him questions and talked more about it, it made more sense. Atlantis was advanced, but not in the way we consider societies today to be advanced. Its technology was spiritual and didn't require the kind of hardware we depend on today. The aims and the methods and the paths the development went down were very different. An analogy that comes to mind is the world of Final Fantasy VI - where steam-engines and phonographs are the limits of certain technologies while machines using magical technology are advanced. A strange mix to be sure.

Ben says he thinks he knew me as a guard he passed by on his way to work almost every day. Apparently I had great pecs he loved to check out. Incidentally, he also keeps running into people who place a good portion of the responsibility for Atlantis' collapse on his shoulders. He tells the story differently, but he was one of the main people on the project that, like Babel, aimed so high it brought the tower of that civilization crashing down.

Another night, I am with Roxy and Mark, talking about my first experience having my palms read - how the woman had seen such unusual traits in me, including apparently being destined to die fairly young, yet having some kind of person or force intervene to completely alter the course of my life. Roxanne said she wans't suprised. She says that many of us are the "second line" - here to fill in for the missions of other lives that unexpectedly went awry. She says she has always known I am important - when we first me she told me that, trying to guess at what my identity beyond life might really be. I'm no daughter of Nyx like she is, nor a fiery soul like Leland. But she seems to think I might be something along the lines of a prophet, yet different somehow. Flattering, if disturbing.

Then, a couple days ago, in the midst of comments on the entry I had written about realizing hell couldn't exist if there was any goodness in the universe, Dee sees me being burned alive by the Romans for beliefs and politics opposed by their Empire and their church. Which brings back memories of a night I went back through time in a Rosicrucian meditation and suddenly paniced out of nowhere. Read about it here.

Who am I? The only thing I know is that "I am the bridge". What the means has yet to be revealed.

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Not So Quick Questions - April 6, 2009
The Morning Stars - Lords of the 15 - April 9, 2009
Sincerity and Faith in Magic - April 10, 2009
Not So Quick Questions (2) - April 14, 2009

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