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Jonathan November 26, 2005 @ 8:49 p.m.

I don't remember when my mom stopped dropping me off at Colleen's day care home. Perhaps the de-fingering incident at the zoo cast some doubt in my mother's mind as to Colleen's ability to supervise children. I do know that my mom felt terribly guilty about working full time and having me in day care, as many parents do. So she ended up switching back to working part-time and started raising me more by herself. I think that at first, for me, it was strange, because I wasn't used to seeing her as often as I did or for her doing as much of the work to take care of me. But I grew to like it.

When Jonathan was born, I think I was excited. We had been preparing for it for a long time. The day he was born though, or maybe the day before it, I really messed up big time at the house in Long Beach. Nana and Papa were taking care of me, and I went to use the restroom. That day, I decided to develop a fascination with the workings of the toilet and toilet paper, experimenting with the many configurations one can make with toilet paper and stuffing the pieces into the toilet. Being polite and remembering to flush, I was surprised when it clogged and water began streaming out of the toilet and onto the floor. I seem to remember my mom saying that Papa was downstairs watching TV or reading and suddenly noticed a wet spot developing on the ceiling. He and Nana got up there to find me quite confused as to how I had managed to turn the toilet into a fountain.

Mom was exhausted of course when she got home with baby Jonathan, but after she had a bunch of time to rest (which might have been days), I could finally go see her and Jonathan. I asked to hold him, and she let me. It was nice, but I had to give him back pretty quickly because he wanted to go back to mom.

I remember when mom was first bathing him I saw him with a bit of his umbilical cord attached and had to ask mom what it was. I thought he had poop stuck on him.

I liked Jonathan a lot - I don't remember feeling jealous of him. I played with him a lot though many times he was just wide-eyed and happy to watch even if he didn't fully understand what I was doing. It surprised me much later in life was to find out just how crazy about me Jonathan was. He really looked up to me in a lot of ways. I don't think I really deserved that - when I got older, I know I repayed it with ostracism that really broke his heart.

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