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Letters to Nick (2) July 15, 2003 @

Hehehe... Thanks for the humor Nick. I would have titled my reply similarly - perhaps "Coral calcium really works!" or "Lose 50 pounds in 3 days guaranteed!". Had I done so, however, this message might have been relegated to a junk mail box, and then I wouldn't have the pleasure of continuing our fun conversations. Did you ever see the commercial for the MSN 8 junk mail filter? The one with the lever and the trap door? I thought it was pretty good for a commercial, even if the damn thing doesn't work. See, the junk mailers have gotten smarter so that filter only works like half the time, because the spammers will use inconspicuous titles for the emails and pass right by it. Stuff like "here's the file you requested" will sneak right by, which really sucks because if you think about it, computer viruses could spread in just the same way. Plus the filter puts all your newsletters/mailing list emails into the junk mail folder with them. I stopped using it awhile ago and figured I'd just bust them with SpamCop, which is a program which basically attempts to track the real source and let the people running the server know there's spammers on it. Unfortunately, it seems the vast majority of spammers are operating out of (interestingly enough) foreign technical colleges, where oftentimes the webmasters don't give a !@#$ what is being sent out. Okay...

Are the woods so accesible from where you live? I love stars and trees. Part of the reason why I'm happy to be back in my old stomping grounds up here in Washington - there's no shortage of trees here. In California, I've been staying with my folks for about a year, and even though the place where they live is really gorgeous, I miss the trees terribly. We live outside of Pigeon Pass between Pleasanton and Livermore. I love Pigeon Pass - its a fun windy road with a great view of a little valley full of rolling hills. Not just pretty in the daytime, but sometimes when there's a full moon I like to pull over and sit out there for a while. Silver light just floods over the whole Vallecitos. Very cool.

As far as what the power source is, I think the way you approach it, and how you conceive and name it all depends on the belief system you're coming from. You might call it God, Jesus, Buddha, Allah, the Tao, even Quantum reality. In some respects, it doesn't matter what you call it, but sometimes it does matter, because the kind of vessel you create for the Divine will determine to a great deal how you will connect with it and what your individual spiritual experience will be. Humankind has been seeking the ideal relationship to this power ever since we appeared on this world. There's been a kind of evolution as people have developed better and better conceptions and approaches to the Divine, and if you read the bible in this light, its a pretty good record of a big part of this spiritual evolution. In Abraham's time, for instance, people were just beginning to understand that maybe you shouldn't be sacrificing your children to the gods. In the time of Christ, people were beginning to question whether priests and rituals were essential to knowing God, although in many respects he was really ahead of his time and it took centuries before people began to gain a fuller awareness of the meaning of his message. I think that here in America and maybe in Europe as well, we're getting ready to have another spiritual revolution - one that will bring science and religion back together and change forever the way we look at the universe. Sadly, these things don't seem to come without a lot of heartbreak and violence though.

I'm sorry to hear that you had to put your dog to sleep. I totally agree with you that many people are not good pet owners. There are a lot that are mediocre, and some are downright nasty! Ignoring a pet may not be as cruel as refusing to feed it, but it can still cause a lot of hurt. I think if people can't give their time to sharing their life with a pet, they shouldn't get one. Along with that, people ought to spay and neuter their pets too, otherwise their babies could end up living pretty sad lives, or even having to be put to sleep before their time. I love animals myself - dogs, cats, ferrets, you name it.

Always nice to talk to you. Wishing you the best.


"Details in the Fabric" - May 31, 2009
Not So Quick Questions - April 6, 2009
The Morning Stars - Lords of the 15 - April 9, 2009
Sincerity and Faith in Magic - April 10, 2009
Not So Quick Questions (2) - April 14, 2009

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