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Letters to Nick (3) July 17, 2003 @


I believe you when you say the spam is going to increase 12 fold. There's no legislation as yet that takes measures against this stuff, and I have a feeling that seeing as our country is run by greedy corporations, any intervention on the part of our government would likely result in more spam.

Wait a minute... viagra is only for older men? Oh no - what have I done!
... just kidding ;)

I grrr myself quite a bit... especially in emails, so don't feel too strange. A good grrr can express so much so perfectly sometimes!

Speaking of the government and growling, I let out a huge grrrrrrrrr this morning when I read the newspaper. Now normally I don't bother reading the newspaper or watching the news on tv because its all so horribly biased, but I've been participating in a campaign to get Bush exposed for his lies and I wanted to check up on whether or not the media was still deliberately playing it down or not. Oh yeah... I'm sorry to offend you if you're a republican, but even then, if that's the case, your party deserves much better leadership and representation. Anyway, there was this article about the white house announcing that the deficit estimates were just a little bit off. Now we're gonna be $455 billion in debt! Unbelievable considering it was only a few years ago we were in the black and everybody was celebrating. They had a line graph there showing the budget deficit/surplus over the last ten years with the estimates. Now I don't think Bill Clinton was that great or anything, but from 1992 to 2000 the line only goes up at various angles. From 2000 onward it drops steeply - and now much more steeply with these new "estimates". The area under the break even point on the graph for the projections doubled compared to the old estimates. Reagan's record is already broke... I can't help but wonder if they're going to have an announcement a few months from now that we're actually going to be $600 billion in debt! OHHH THIS MAKES ME MAD!!! All that money could have been spent for so many good things - and now so much will have to be wasted just to pay back the damn interest!!! GRRRRR!!!

Ah... I feel better now.

I would love to see your face in the moonlight too, Nick. Your friends probably don't live too far from me.

As far as a spiritual revolution resulting in a war, I think that all depends on how people choose to react to the new ideas and how they will focus their energy. It could become very violent, or it could be a very smooth, liberating transformation. My faith in humanity as a whole waxes and wanes as I watch history go by and study how things have gone in the past. Apathy and a short memory are the worse qualities of humans in my opinion. If this country reelects a man like George Bush, I will honestly consider moving abroad. I was extremely frustrated with the last midterm elections. The reactionary right keeps winning all these battles not because they are in the majority or because they are doing what Americans want, but because the majority of people don't care enough to even register to vote.

But anyway, there was one positive boon I saw awhile ago, and maybe you won't believe me on this - that's okay. But there was a huge, popular movement for mass prayer to prevent the war in Iraq. Hundreds of thousands of people across the country united in prayer that a peaceful means would be found to resolve the problems. And while prayer alone was not enough to stop the war from happening, it was delayed a good 3 months at the least. I honestly believe that the mass prayer played a big part of the delay, along with the efforts of many activists to not let it happen without a fight.

Okay, okay... I'm getting too much into politics. I apologize if it bothers you... I just get so frustrated sometimes, especially when everyone just believes what they're told without questioning it. You are right - everything does have cycles, and there is always a sunrise after every dark night.

Thanks for being you. Hopefully I'll see you soon.


"Details in the Fabric" - May 31, 2009
Not So Quick Questions - April 6, 2009
The Morning Stars - Lords of the 15 - April 9, 2009
Sincerity and Faith in Magic - April 10, 2009
Not So Quick Questions (2) - April 14, 2009

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