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Letters to Nick July 13, 2003 @

Hi Nick - always nice to hear from you. My weekend's been fairly quiet as well. Last week I went out and did a lot of stuff with my old friends and fellow martial artists. Yesterday though I just spent the day at the dojo reading, meditating, and talking on the phone with a teacher of mine. Next weekend my friend Megan and her roomates are having a big kegger at their place so that ought to be fun. I also ended up with a free movie pass for participating in a research session, but I don't think there's anything really good playing right now it seems. I saw Finding Nemo with my friends though, and I really liked it. The detail that goes into these Pixar films is amazing - I wonder if the computers make it that easy or if it still takes a lot of work.

It was interesting to find out that some old friends of mine from junior high had made a bet back then as to when I was going to come out. Its funny, because I had only begun to accept being gay myself back then, and here other people who I didn't tell had figured it out before I fully did. Its funny - when I tell people I'm gay, the response I get generally depends on the background of the other person. Other gay guys usually tell me they wouldn't have thought I was gay, but the straight people I've told who have been cool with it said they had pretty much figured it before I told them. The straight people who are the most ignorant about what being gay means and can have problems with it say they didn't think I was. Now I don't consider myself a flamer, but just looking at how other people were able to figure it out without me telling them says to me that being gay affects more than just who you want to go to bed with. Thus my opinion on the manners/personality correlation.

I'll be back in about a week and a half; maybe we can hook up then. Oh, also I found out that the messenger on their site doesn't require any downloads, so we could chat through that sometime if you are interested. I'll add your screenname to my list just in case.

Sweet dreams,

"Details in the Fabric" - May 31, 2009
Not So Quick Questions - April 6, 2009
The Morning Stars - Lords of the 15 - April 9, 2009
Sincerity and Faith in Magic - April 10, 2009
Not So Quick Questions (2) - April 14, 2009

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