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In and Out April 17, 2006 @ 12:09 p.m.

One of the things I've been working on lately (lately being a relative term) is trying to get my body to stop messing itself up every time I have any kind of mental or emotional stress. Maybe once upon a time there was a good reason for us to tense up when under stress - perhaps it slowed bleeding or something - but these days it mostly just makes things worse. My physiology is especially prone to this, being a double Aquarius. My muscles, especially in my shoulders, neck and back, become tight and tense. My nerves fire continously, my skin vibrates and trembles ever so subtly, and I feel electricity in my aura. My brother and my mother have the same problem. Along with working on just not stressing out in the first place, I am trying what you might call grounding exercises - using the physical and elemental earth to draw out the excess, fritzy energy and to stabilize me. It helps a little for now but I'll have to practice more to get some real good effects.

My chiropractic care is continuing to go well, but Adam has the annoying tendency to believe that every time I have pain or tension in my back, its because I'm not doing my stretches. I can forgive him though - one flaw amongst countless virtues. I am glad in a way that I am past the phase of swooning over him, and although I continue to perceive mixed and confusing signals from him, I have established though not to put too much stake in the outcome of things.

I still love it every time he touches me though.

The family seems to be doing well, which for my dad's mother at least means things haven't gotten worse. Max was a pain in the tokus the other day when we went to visit her though. Every time we do so, he always worries that we are going to leave him there and so is anxious and whining the whole time. I still worry a lot about my Grandmother being lonely and in a lot of pain, and I wonder if some chiropractic care couldn't do her some good. Adam said they can work around spinal fusions. Mom seems to think that it would do more harm than good at this point, but I'm going to see if Adam can't help me find someone who makes housecalls and is gentle enough to work on seniors.

The weather may finally be starting to more properly resemble the season, but its doing so begrudgingly. Every time the sun comes out, everyone is relieved and thankful, and the it starts pouring again in ten minutes and we are all pissed once more. I have noticed that, ever slightly, the sun is making an appearance more and more often. Good thing too; I was getting ready to start working some mojo if things didn't clear up fast enough.

Work hit an upswing right before I headed out for the weekend, so I'm slowly ascending the various piles of paperwork accumulating in my semi-office. My coworker Lorraine, who usually handles a lot of the reception work while I do other stuff is in the middle of a two week leave, so I have to handle the visitors as well as my normal workload. Cathy, our quality assurance lady who started working here around the time I did, has left, and with her comes a bunch more things to add to the to-do list. I have to work with Patricia, the other QA lady, more often, which I'm not exactly thrilled about...

One moment while I converse with Ariel the hottie...

ok, now where was I? Oh yeah - Patricia. She may be a perfectly good human being, but she has a very sacharine butter way of talking to you that gets really annoying. She really gives you the impression she's either crazy or faking it - more likely the second, which makes you worry what she might do if you piss her off.

Um...Ariel is so beautiful. Too bad he's married. He's really tall - like almost 7 feet, but he's not skinny or lanky. He's quite nicely filled out and just has a real presence and kindness about him, along with this direct "I'll talk nice and loud so you can hear me instead of mincing myself and my words" manner of speech. He's just gorgeous - there's simply no debate.

There are a lot of cute guys I see walking in and out of the reception here at Sunny Hills. All of which continue to break my heart and pants for being so utterly lovable and hot and yet always unavaiable for one reason or another. Is it dangerous to fantasize about your coworkers? Or worse - just tacky.

Ugh, I really need to move on to the next place in my life. Hopefully there will be good men with great bodies there that will actually want me too.

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Not So Quick Questions - April 6, 2009
The Morning Stars - Lords of the 15 - April 9, 2009
Sincerity and Faith in Magic - April 10, 2009
Not So Quick Questions (2) - April 14, 2009

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