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Optimystic May 04, 2006 @ 10:56 a.m.

I have some pain here and there, above my eyes and in my sinuses and tense muscles in my back, but I'm doing OK. My chair is too big and I can't sit all the way back, but if things go as planned, it wouldn't really be worth it to press for another one when I'll be gone in a month or two. I'm tired, but that will pass. The world is founded on imbalance and tension. Its what makes for creativity and allows things like joy, and yes, sorrow too, to occur.

I realized something very obvious the other day while reminscing, but it probably bears repeating. Memories are rosy-tinted...more than that, almost run through a positive sieve. Think about a place in the past and its almost like you get a version of it with most of the negative strained out of it. You realize it's not accurate and that there was plenty of pain and wear and tear then too, but somehow that doesn't stick in your memory as well, and is difficult to recall; or perhaps, hesistant to be recalled. Do we repress the pain of the past to deal more effectively with the present? Or rather, do our minds emphasize the positive to show us how ephemeral pain is, and how lasting the beauty in our lives can be. Living a life in a forward direction does that I guess.

Better to have loved and lost...? Does the joy make the pain worth it? There's no way solve this with any equation. Feeling nothing versus feeling good and bad together - who's to say which, if either, is preferable?

Except maybe, there's more possibilities and more realizations in this world of ours. In a non-world, an uncreated non-existence, its certain what will/will not happen. Here, possibility has much more reign.

Was this the only way? Hard to say. But, maybe, just maybe, it might be worth sticking around just to see what happens.

May God show us the good we never thought possible.

"Details in the Fabric" - May 31, 2009
Not So Quick Questions - April 6, 2009
The Morning Stars - Lords of the 15 - April 9, 2009
Sincerity and Faith in Magic - April 10, 2009
Not So Quick Questions (2) - April 14, 2009

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