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Miscommunication October 07, 2006 @ 3:10 p.m.

"You have 15 minutes remaining"

There's so little you can get done using library Internet. Wayland says he can get me access to the Internet via his account at SOU, but first we have to get the phone line at our place fixed. The repairs keep getting delayed through a combination of our own lack of funds and irresponsibility on the part of the phone company and our landlord. God I miss Internet. Everyone else does too. Cash and I were marvelling the other day at how we've been able to go this long without it and NOT go insane (we're pretty sure music is the secret - take that away and we're guaranteed to go bonkers).

Roxy and Mark were getting married last I heard - come to think about it, I think she had said it was going to be this month! I better give her a call - I had a dream about her the other night. Nothing too intense, other than the simple personal peace of spending time hanging out and visiting with a good friend.

I ended up IM'ing Josh the other day to encourage some communication, and he called me up not remembering who I was. "I know a lot of Davids" he told me. Ironic he should use that line - I was complaining to Cash a few days ago about how when I was young, there were always at least two other Davids in my elementary school classes, and I was the least important. I learned so well to screen out people mentioning my name and to negate my own importance that in later years, when people actually DID want to talk to ME, they had trouble getting my attention. Thank you Josh for bringing back those wonderful feelings of being three feet small. Eh, I can't be mad at the guy though. Unrequited love is still love, and I'm sneakingly suspicious - though not entirely certain - that is the feeling I've had for him since I met him.

The house completely stinks at the moment. The basement has rats. The upstairs has fleas the rats brought as a housewarming present. And even the landscaping seems to be joining in on the disgust - there is this huge, overgrown vine-type of plant cascading down over the wall in our yard that reeks to high heaven. It looks deceptively like honeysuckle, and the bees love it. Why couldn't we enjoy the yard smells of ceder and sunflowers and lavender like our neighbors have? Duke sucks :(

"You have 5 minutes remaining"

Seth and Kevin managed to get some of their stuff up from Red Bluff, so now we have a DVD player that has to be pried open, as well as a nice collection of manga. The DVD is a lifesaver, and we've been watching many episodes of Angel, Animaniacs and other shows. I stole the first season of West Wing from my parents, and Carnivale should be here any day too. So not all is bad.

May you be filled with loving-kindness.
May you be well.
May you be peaceful and at ease.
May you be happy.

"Details in the Fabric" - May 31, 2009
Not So Quick Questions - April 6, 2009
The Morning Stars - Lords of the 15 - April 9, 2009
Sincerity and Faith in Magic - April 10, 2009
Not So Quick Questions (2) - April 14, 2009

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