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Conversation with Coley November 28, 2003 @

Dave: So how was your Thanksgiving?
Coley: full of FOOD!!!! we had gluttons all in here
and family
where's your pic?
Dave :oh, the program here at my folk's place is not updated
Coley: ahhh... sorry to hear that
I think you're very cute
Dave :I know
Coley: you know what?
that I think your cute?
Dave: yep
Coley: ahhh.
Dave :I'm flattered
Coley :I doubt that
Dave: Why? Its always a compliment when someone thinks you are handsome
Dave: so I appreciate it
Coley :I thought maybe because you don't really respect my opinion... that the things i say would be a drift in your ear
Dave: Who said I didn't respect your opinion? Just because I disagree with you sometimes doesn't mean I don't respect your opinion.
Coley: hmm.. ok
Dave :I don't ignore the things you say - they don't "drift through one ear and out the other". But realize that I've heard this script hundreds of times before, so its kinda old
Dave :It can get quite frustrating
Dave: Nonetheless, I need to work on my patience, so I apologize
Dave: Yeah, I wish the IM here was upgraded too - a game would be fun right about now
Coley :ohh... Do you cry when you lose?
Coley: cus I'd wjip ya
Dave: hehehe, oh really?
Coley: yah-
Coley: you wanna see somein?
Dave: sure
You have failed to receive file "Thanksgiving.jpg" from Coley.
Dave: hm? didn't work...
Coley: ahh.
I'll e-mail it
Dave :ok
So, what kind of music do you like?
Coley: it�ll say to grandma on it though- ok
and in the letter it'll say I love you
but that's nt ot you
Dave: You�re not sending me a virus are ya?
its cool
Coley :of course
Dave: what a nice picture
Coley: it�s my family in a nut-shell besides my bro
I'm a hottie aren't I?
Dave :I wouldn't know
But you are pretty
Coley: why wouldn't you know?
Dave: Because I'm gay, silly. Girls don't turn me on
Coley: that doesn't make me less of a hottie! and c'mon
maybe you've had intercourse with a guy
but that doesnt mean you can't change
Dave: You still don't understand, do you? Being gay is not something I do - its who I am
Coley: no- I'll NEVER agree or be convinced of that-there's too much medical proof out there against that
Dave: Right wing spin is not medical opinion, Coley
Coley: it can't be in you
it's something that happens to you
then things awaken in you that were never meant
no- but there's proof
just look harder
find your reall idntity
b/c gay isn't it
your no less of a person just lying to yourself
Dave: The lie would be to pretend I'm straight.
Coley: well, maybe you just need to be "born again"
in your emotions and feelings that's true- I can't have a say on that
but that doesn't mean you were meant to be that way
Dave: You know, you honestly don't know what its like. Its not a choice
Coley: it�s a bondage
and yes I do
Dave :I think its easier for you to believe I'm bad than to challenge your beliefs
Coley :I don't believe your "bad"
I don't know what other "christians " have told you in the past that was so politically incorrect.. but what I tell you is from MY life experience
Dave: Your straight life experience... hardly useful
Coley: and the only reason why I bother to take the risk of showing you my beliefs is b/c I know there's a better way
I wasn't always this way my friend
you don't know where I've been... how I used to live
and I would tell you if I thought you'd believe me
Dave :I'll believe you
I don't question whether or not people experienced something. I question their interpretation of those experiences
Coley: but obviously some other people have tried to preach at you and so you've put a wall up on all so called "chrisitians"
what I tell you is the truth
but you don't see it as that
if none of my life was truth- only interpretation- than life would be a lie and there'd be no point to living it
Dave: that�s fallacious. The experience is still true - its just how you look at it. That's what the mystery of life is all about
Dave: and in a sense, life is a dream
Coley :I could see how you say that- b/c there's only one reality
Dave: You know, you may think you've "figured me out", but don't jump to conclusions
Coley :I don't think that
I just know more probrably than you think
b/c I/ve experienced too
Dave :I know that you have had powerful experiences, and I'd be interested to hear about them. As much as you act like a drone sometimes, I know you are a unique individual with a beautiful soul and lessons to teach
I'm trying not to peg you, so please return the favor
Perhaps I've had experiences as well, things that have shaped my life. Maybe I consider myself Christian too
Coley: ahhh. so I come across kinda strong? is that what you're trying to say?
Dave: What I am trying to say is - lets just tell our stories, and then we can ask questions
Coley :I wasn't being deceiving dude! why you hafta use those really big words?
Dave: You�re smart - you can handle them
Coley: your making me use my dictionary
Dave: hehehe

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Not So Quick Questions - April 6, 2009
The Morning Stars - Lords of the 15 - April 9, 2009
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