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Running and Recalling July 31, 2007 @ 2:22 p.m.

"Are you going to keep hedging your bets for the rest of your life?"

"You're a handsome guy"

"You really need to give yourself a break"

"We have decided that you are not a good match for our program. Your employment is terminated effective today. Sign this form. Do you want a copy?"

"I'm gonna marry you!"

"This budo is a divine gift. Train in it for 3 months and you will have no enemies under heaven."

"Liberal, hippie, gay - aren't those all just labels too?"

"Aikido is just a series of frustrations"

"You're smart... a real catch. I just hope you don't let things slip now that you've gotten settled in"

"Can you beverage 31? 47? 15? 62?"

"Would you like juice or coffee today?"

"10,000 people are dying every month in Darfur, and I'm pouring orange juice"

"The symbols aren't always yours to interpret. If you don't get it, just tell them what you're seeing, and they'll interpret."

"Moldavite can be overwhelming"

"It was a bit dire"

"I want to die"

"I won't... can't... musn't... think negative anymore"

"Forgive me"

"I wish you were here"

"Joy was bubbling out of my heart, just like St. Teresa described."

"Did I see the Light?"

"I keep taking the risks, putting myself out there, staying positive... why do I keep getting rejected?"

"I'm more efficient now than I've ever been before. And its exhausting, just like I thought it would be"

"I'd rather not keep having the discussions with people about being gay. But I'm always hopeful that if I'm honest with everyone, one day someone wonderful might say 'me too' "

"Just keep going"

"Details in the Fabric" - May 31, 2009
Not So Quick Questions - April 6, 2009
The Morning Stars - Lords of the 15 - April 9, 2009
Sincerity and Faith in Magic - April 10, 2009
Not So Quick Questions (2) - April 14, 2009

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