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Readings Always Go Both Ways October 07, 2007 @ 5:40 p.m.

Optimystic : Would anyone like to trade readings tonight? I do need practice and advice
wildchild1957 : kobra said she would
wildchild1957 : giggles
Crow� : i can read u my cell phone bill
ok2dreambig : i will
Kobra : mmmm I'd suggest OK2 actually
wildchild1957 : lol
Crow� : cooooooool opti and ok2
Jonathin doesn't need any more nightmares Crow..............
Kobra : ty
Kobra : sits back to watch.........
Crow� : awwwww shucks jon
wildchild1957 : does too
Jonathin :
Kobra : on this board ok with you both?
Optimystic raises eyebrow
Optimystic : sure
Optimystic : you can post later if its any good
ok2dreambig : I'm cool
Kobra : ty
wildchild1957 : jon...ask edward if he knocked off the mirror on the wall to startle my fish
wildchild1957 : lol
Crow� will sit back and paint her talons that she so finely filed the other nite
Jonathin : Nope
Optimystic : Ok , shoot
Jonathin : That comes from a wimpy nail
wildchild1957 : nope you won't ask...or nope he didn't?
Crow� : lmao
wildchild1957 : the wimpy nail is still there
wildchild1957 : grins
Jonathin : Did the mirror shatter?
ok2dreambig : your reading first?
Crow� : it was the fish...they got it to drop down so they could see other fish...lmao
Jonathin : Hello falcon
Crow� : hi falcon
Optimystic : Whatever you like, OK
wildchild1957 : no...just broke the edge around it
Kobra : Hi Falcon.... Reading in progress hun
falcon9er : Hello all
wildchild1957 : hey falcon
ok2dreambig : what's the question?
Jonathin : Who's on first?
Jonathin :
Optimystic : Hmm
ok2dreambig : no who's on seconds
falcon9er : LOL
Jonathin : Hehehehe; you got it
Kobra : Jonathin.........
Jonathin :
wildchild1957 : lol
ok2dreambig : you are lucky she is not yet using your middle and last names too
Jonathin : LOL
ok2dreambig : what was your area to focus my reading?
Optimystic : Despite my best attempts, I feel very afraid given everything that is going on in my life and the world now and in the future. Can you help me to resolve my fear?
Optimystic : Whenever I let my guard down for a second, I just seem to become overwhelmed with it
Optimystic : I have to be strong 24/7, or I'll just panic it seems
Kobra : Hugggsss Optimystic
Optimystic : thanks
ok2dreambig : okay...forgive my forwardness...but it sounds like you may be describing a disease such as social anxiety disorder
ok2dreambig : you look into that...?
falcon9er : Agraphobia
Optimystic : I
Optimystic : am not agoraphobic
Optimystic : Actually, I like wide open spaces
falcon9er : No fear of ppl?
Optimystic : Nope
falcon9er : Chemical possibly then take vit B complex.
ok2dreambig : have you talked to your doctor about the fears?
Optimystic : This isn't medical
Optimystic : Its sheerly emotional
falcon9er : turns your pee into yellow so it carries the yellow streak out of you J/K
Kobra : ggrrr
ok2dreambig : don't actually become overwhelmed
Optimystic : No, I keep it in check
ok2dreambig : practice your own treatment?
Optimystic : Its just that over the last year or so, as I've accelerated in my life, I have also felt time running out
Optimystic : I disconnect and objectify it so it doesn't get to me
Optimystic : When I look at everything through a spiritual perspective, I can deal with anything
Optimystic : But when I slip back to being human, everything justs terrifies me
ok2dreambig : okay...
ok2dreambig : the best way to conquer fear is to face it
ok2dreambig : or...complete the "what if's"
Optimystic : I am aware of those
ok2dreambig : know and accept the what if's
Optimystic : I do
ok2dreambig : also keep in mind that sometimes outward symptoms are the effect of inner struggle
Optimystic : sure
ok2dreambig : you will need to be more specific on the fears if you want more help than that
Optimystic : I can't pin it down to any one thing - its a whole range of things
ok2dreambig : okay...give me a story of the last time you got "overwhelmed"...what was going on around you...?
Optimystic : Mostly being incapable and powerless as I lose what I love
Optimystic : I was lying in bed, just woke up
Optimystic : That's usually my most vulnerable time
Oldkid : Hello everyone
Kobra : Hi David...... read in Progress
wildchild1957 : hi kiddo...reading in session
Oldkid : wow, that's quick
Oldkid : k
Optimystic : Usually I've been unconscious for awhile, so I don't apply my practice, and I get overwhelmed with the realization of everything that is happening now
ok2dreambig : so you are thinking to yourself...
Optimystic : Maybe, but its not very deliberate
ok2dreambig : okay...then you need to become deliberate
ok2dreambig : when you get overwhelmed...stop thinking...and be deliberate
Optimystic : I do that
ok2dreambig : have positive affirmations
ok2dreambig : then...what is getting in your way?
Optimystic : I can only make it go away temporarily
Optimystic : It feels like I'm in a war, and if I stop being stoic for one moment, I'll crumble
ok2dreambig : because you are afraid it will be back...that you will be there in that spot again?
ok2dreambig : I humbly suggest drugs lol
Optimystic : They don't work for me
Kobra : ooooo
ok2dreambig : sounds to me like you are your own worse enemy
Kobra : I'll edit that part LOL
Optimystic : Drugs just cover up problems
Optimystic : no need
ok2dreambig : you want my advice...get out of your way
ok2dreambig : negativity will only attract negativity
Optimystic : I'm doing my best to do just that
Optimystic : I try to never be negative
ok2dreambig : you will never overcome fear with fear
ok2dreambig : if you are doing your best...then be patient with yourself
Optimystic : I never indulge it
ok2dreambig : you can't make changes overnight...there is no "switch"
Optimystic : Why not? We are all Divine and capable of it
Optimystic : I don't have time to let myself be lazy
ok2dreambig : by being hard on yourself...considering yourself a are getting in your own way
ok2dreambig : we are all divine...but we are also human
Oldkid : brb
ok2dreambig : if we were meant to have power of the Gods...well...we'd be Gods wouldn't we
Jonathin : If I may interject?
ok2dreambig : please do
Jonathin : I see part if not your entire problem with one of your sentences Opti
Jonathin : Why not? We are all Divine and capable of it
Jonathin : If you really thought that and believed it, why aren't you doing it?
Optimystic : Honestly, I am trying... and I don't understand why it isn't working
Jonathin : That say you are admitting you're inadequat
Jonathin : When you're not
Jonathin : It isn't working because it isn't supposed to work
Jonathin : If life were as simple as throwing a switch, we'd all be drinking margaritas in Cancun right now
Optimystic : Not necessarily
Jonathin : Take life as it comes
ok2dreambig : you cannot learn without struggle
Optimystic : People create artifical barriers and delays
wildchild1957 : hey amy...reading in session
amythest_moon : ok
amythest_moon : ty
Kobra : Hi Amy...... reading in progress hun
amythest_moon : ty
Jonathin : But are they artificial or genuine? Who makes that call?
wildchild1957 : then you must find out what your artificial barriers and delays are
Optimystic : People do, because they aren't willing to fully embrace the Truth
Optimystic : I'm doing my best, wildchild
Jonathin : Forget about others. What about you?
Optimystic : I am relentless with myself
Jonathin : Why?
Optimystic : Because my natural tendency is toward laziness and selfishness
Jonathin : Gotta love honesty
Jonathin : Just about every person is Opti
Optimystic : Part of me just wants to do nothing but have fun and indulge myself
wildchild1957 : and the other part?
Jonathin : If you could find a shortcut out of a difficult situation, why refuse it just to have the hardship?
ok2dreambig : maybe that is what you need to do right now...maybe that is where you find your lesson
Optimystic : The other part, wc, is almost fanatical towards fulfilling my ideals
Jonathin : Having fun and indulging yourself is wrong because-?
Optimystic : Its not wrong in itself, Jon
wildchild1957 : good question
Optimystic : its only wrong when you do it at the expense of responsibility
ok2dreambig : so don't go that far
Jonathin : Who does it hurt?
ok2dreambig : but...have fun man
Optimystic : I do. I find ways to integrate what i enjoy with my practicies, so I do two birds, one stone
wildchild1957 : opti...what do you think the single biggest thing is that older people have forgotten?
Optimystic : That they can change
wildchild1957 : how to have fun
Jonathin : Phew
Jonathin : For a moment I thought you were going to say something else
wildchild1957 : lol what's that?
Optimystic : hehe
Jonathin : I forget
Kobra : lol
wildchild1957 : sure sure
wildchild1957 : lol
Jonathin : We could learn a lot from dolphins Opti
Optimystic : as far as the shortcuts, I am always trying to take them
wildchild1957 :
Jonathin : Life isn't always about doing the prim and proper thing
Optimystic : Yes, but dolphins are largely powerless to change the world
Jonathin : An assumption that has yet to be proven Opti
Jonathin : They can't change OUR world, but what about theirs?
Optimystic : It isn't about being prim and proper. Its about doing everything you can
Jonathin : Define everything you can
Optimystic : Living up to your full potential. Embodying the Divine as much as you can. Making the critical differences that change destiny
Jonathin : If your neighbor throws plastic bags into the landfill instead of recycling, is that your fault?
amythest_moon : dolphins know how to have fun
Optimystic : no
wildchild1957 : so would you say that ego plays a part in that somewhere?
Optimystic : But if you can help someone in need and you don't, it is wrong
Jonathin : If your friend drives a gas guzzler, should you try taking the keys from him?
Optimystic : No, but I would try to convince him otherwise
Jonathin : What right do you have to rob someone else of a valuable life lesson?
Optimystic : When their "life lesson" is at the expense of someone or something else
Jonathin : Don't try to act like you hold the answer
amythest_moon : if someone doesn't want your help then there is beans bugger all you can do about it
Jonathin : Live your life for you
Jonathin : Have faith you are where you need to be when you need to be there, and everything else will fall in place
Optimystic : It takes more than faith to make that a reality
Jonathin : It's isn't about fear as I see it, more a lack of faith in yourself
Optimystic : Deep down, yes
Jonathin : If not with faith how do you make a reality?
Optimystic : work
Jonathin : Whay kind?
Jonathin : what
Optimystic : "Faith without works is dead"
Jonathin : "Work without faith makes ulcers"
Optimystic : I have as much faith as I can
amythest_moon : you can lead a horse to water but you cannot nake him drink
Optimystic : But I don't have full control over my subconscious yet
wildchild1957 : my suggestion is to start exploring your own inner demons, one by one, rather than ignoring them through your own spiritual perspectives.
Kobra : Optimystic is a very Spiritual person..........
Jonathin : Is that what's getting your goat in a stall?
wildchild1957 : the ego will not let you ignore him forever through avoiding negativity. he's the rebel fighting the war to protect you, but can destroy you in the process.
Optimystic : The older I have gotten, the more I have let go of limitations on myself
Optimystic : And believe it or not, I have had insights that I can be a very powerful person
Optimystic : Maybe even unique.
Jonathin : We all can be opti
Optimystic : And that isn't ego, because everyone is capable
wildchild1957 : i agree
Jonathin : The real issue is about not being on control
Jonathin : Can you control the sunrise?
Optimystic : Yes, I can't control everything
Optimystic : I acknowledge that
Jonathin : And is that wrong?
Optimystic : But I must do everything that I AM capable of
wildchild1957 : not all at one time
Jonathin : Be gentle with you
wildchild1957 : amen
Luna_2_Extreme_QX6850 : I think self-control is more important than control
Optimystic : Yes, and that is what I am aiming for
Optimystic : Total self-control
Jonathin : When you are spirit you'll have it
Luna_2_Extreme_QX6850 : Besides, who says Opty doesn't hold the answers? =P
Optimystic : I am spirit
wildchild1957 : that's just it.....if you try to totally control yourself without addressing your "shit"....then you will kick your own ass!
Luna_2_Extreme_QX6850 : heh
Optimystic : That's what I'm here for - this is addressing it
Jonathin : While you are human enjoy the wondrous experiences around you
Optimystic : I do
wildchild1957 : i know that....but it's not gonna happen in one night...or one week
Optimystic : Its difficult to truly appreciate things and people without attachment
Jonathin : What does that mean?
Optimystic : My entire family could be killed tomorow. I know their souls would be fine, but it would still be difficult not to be dragged down by it
Jonathin : That is human
ok2dreambig : and that is human
Optimystic : That is ego
Jonathin : No it isn't
Optimystic : I shouldn't be attached to anything
Optimystic : I should be willing to do whatever is required
Luna_2_Extreme_QX6850 : Opty, self-control takes time and meditation... or something of the same order of magnitude
Jonathin : Then move to a cave in the wilds
ok2dreambig : okay...I think the reading has become a debate
Optimystic : I apologize
Jonathin : Otherwise realize the human race is a community of different people
Luna_2_Extreme_QX6850 : "Rejoice over those who transform into the Force. Mourn them do not. Miss them do not." ^_~
Jonathin : I'm sorry OK
Optimystic : "Just for once, I wish people wouldn't act like the cliches that they are"
Kobra : May I interrupt for a moment Please...........
ok2dreambig : no need to appologize
Kobra : May I suggest we return now to........ OK2 giving Opti a reading........
Kobra : Please allow that to continue........
ok2dreambig : actually I'm done...
Luna_2_Extreme_QX6850 : heh
Optimystic : Thanks for trying
Kobra : ok then Opti.........
ok2dreambig : any point to be made has been made
Kobra : do you wish to continue with the others at this time?
Crow� slowly tip toes out to her nest waving nite nite to everyone.......
Optimystic : Good night Crow
amythest_moon : night crow
Luna_2_Extreme_QX6850 : night, crow
Kobra : nite Crow
Jonathin : Sleep well crow
wildchild1957 : nite nite
Kobra : Your call Opti
Optimystic : OK, do you still want a reading? Or did I scare ya off?
ok2dreambig : i'm up for it
Optimystic : allright - what's your question?
Kobra : cool..... sits back again
ok2dreambig : financial
Optimystic : specifically?
ok2dreambig : there a light coming up soon
Optimystic : I'll take a look
ok2dreambig : ty
Optimystic : Tarot allright?
ok2dreambig : sure
Optimystic : Spread is Creative Process
Optimystic : Obvious enough
Optimystic : The deck is Sola Busca
ok2dreambig : cool ty
Optimystic : Very vivid colors, especially gold
Optimystic : seems appropriate
ok2dreambig :
Kobra : excellent
Oldkid : I'm finally back
amythest_moon : wb
Kobra : wb
Jonathin : wb
wildchild1957 : wb
Optimystic : "The card in the middle represents the creative force behind the project, be it a person, organization, or other entity. Metelo (The Devil), when reversed: Resistance of temptation. Freedom from bondage. The pursuit of higher goals despite
Oldkid : ty
Jonathin : Now shut up
wildchild1957 : lol
Optimystic : luxury and pleasure. Release from obsession with money and power. Liberation from fear, weakness and indecision through communion with higher powers or the inner voice. "
Optimystic : Very noble ideals
Optimystic : You're practical about the money needs, but you're doing your best not to let yourself obsess over it
ok2dreambig : true
Optimystic : You will definitely put it to good use when it comes your way
Optimystic : "The card on the top represents imagination - the prophetic image that stems from the creative force of the previous card to initiate the project. This is the poetry or voice of the undertaking "
ok2dreambig : lol...does that mean it is coming my way?
Optimystic : yes
ok2dreambig : awesome
Optimystic : "8 Mazze (Swiftness), when reversed: Too much force applied too suddenly. A flash in the pan. A foolhardy and untimely plunge into the unknown. Impatience leading to poor decisions in love, business, travel, or spiritual growth. "
Optimystic : seems to be a theme tonight
wildchild1957 :
ok2dreambig : that describes me well
Kobra : yeah
Optimystic : So what's your hurry?
ok2dreambig : ummmm...i'm a sag
Optimystic : Ah ah - no excuses
Optimystic : Why do feel rushed?
Optimystic : *you
ok2dreambig : cause I am a person of action...and I am standing still
Optimystic : Ah - I can appreciate that
Oldkid : standing still can be an action, of gathering...
Optimystic : True
Oldkid : sorry
Optimystic : Since your ventures are dependent on others, the seeds need time to sprout
ok2dreambig : well...when someone starts paying me for standing around...i'll stop being in such a damn hurry
Oldkid : lol
Optimystic : Digging them up to see if they're growing retards them
ok2dreambig : this is true...
Optimystic knows everyone is seeing the irony in this reading, and continues nonetheless
wildchild1957 : grins
wildchild1957 : i was gonna tell you that you were doing yourself one hella reading
ok2dreambig : is there an indication of time...when the money will come lol
Optimystic : Are their bills that need to be paid?
ok2dreambig : I don't know anyone who doesn't have those...
Optimystic : I mean, are you living paycheck to paycheck? Is there a danger of losing your home or something?
ok2dreambig : I paycheck to paycheck
Optimystic : allright
Optimystic : let's see
Optimystic : "The card on the left represents emotion - the feelings aroused by or surrounding the ideation of the project that takes place in the previous card. This is the music or scent of the undertaking. "
Kobra : (and has two small children)
Optimystic : "6 Spade (Science): Trusting in intelligence and intuition and setting off into the unknown. Leaving an untenable situation and charting a new course. Passage from difficulty and progress towards a solution. The road to recovery. Travel and
Optimystic : You are very brave
ok2dreambig : sounds like own business...don't it?
Optimystic : for sure
Optimystic : You don't let your fears hold you back at all
ok2dreambig : that would be so cool
ok2dreambig : i try not to
ok2dreambig : they make me stumble...but stumble forward
Optimystic : You are aware of all the hurdles you've overcome thusfar
Optimystic : and they inspire you to continue on
Optimystic : Kudos
ok2dreambig : they should for sure
Optimystic : next...
Optimystic : "The card on the bottom represents thought - the analytical process of organizing the project and capturing the emotional content of the previous card. This is the science or vision of the undertaking "
ok2dreambig : lol
ok2dreambig : cool
ok2dreambig : I love this spread
Optimystic : "Nenbroto (The Judgment): A swift and conclusive decision. The resolution of a matter long unanswered. A change in point of view, most frequently towards greater enlightenment. Final balancing of karma. "
Optimystic : It is a very useful one
ok2dreambig : i will print this for a reference
ok2dreambig : please continue
Optimystic : They're playing this hillarious simpsons episode in the backgrounnd - i try to concentrate
Oldkid : lol
Kobra : lol
Optimystic : You're sick of the waiting obviously
Luna_2_Extreme_QX6850 : wOOt
ok2dreambig : true true
Optimystic : You want the matter resolved quickly and efficiently
ok2dreambig : that is me
Oldkid : I sense the infamous "P" word
wildchild1957 : lol
ok2dreambig : me too
ok2dreambig : sigh
Optimystic : You are hoping for a key insight that will make everything fall into place
ok2dreambig : that would be great
Kobra : "patience" lol
Optimystic : And you have the wisdom to realize that it could be a simple change of attitude or perspective
Optimystic : The final card:
Optimystic : Bart joined the army?
Optimystic : oh sorry
wildchild1957 : lol
Optimystic : "The card on the right represents manifestation - the real work involved in completing the project, and the form it will take upon culmination. This is the painting or touch of the undertaking. "
Optimystic : "6 Anfore (Pleasure), when reversed: Closing your heart to the simple pleasures of life. Escaping realities by living in the past. Refusal to grow up and embrace the joys of adulthood. Contempt for acts of gentle kindness. May indicate imma
ok2dreambig : this is an awesome spread!
Optimystic : "insecurities. May indicate the departure of an old friend. "
Optimystic : hmmmm
Jonathin : It isn't by chance you two read each other
wildchild1957 : can you finish that sentence that didn't complete up there?
Optimystic : no shit sherlock
wildchild1957 : lmao
wildchild1957 : gotta love it when it happens like that
Jonathin : Take it to heart
Kobra : yep
ok2dreambig : yep
ok2dreambig : I got that two minutes into the one I was giving...what took you guys soo long?
Optimystic : I'll add what I can to this, from what things I DO have down
ok2dreambig : ready
Optimystic : Always bring yourself back to the present moment
Optimystic : Its cliched, BUT
wildchild1957 : we were busy helping....LOL
Optimystic : people don't know what that means
ok2dreambig : thanks for that too
ok2dreambig : what means?
Optimystic : Breathe, step back, realize you aren't your problems
ok2dreambig : back to the present
Optimystic : I AM is the greatest affirmation in the Universe
Luna_2_Extreme_QX6850 : It's just that we messed up Opty's reading, so it had to be compressed into ok2's reading to compensate ^_~
Optimystic : How many times do you identify with something other thatn yourself
ok2dreambig : summary...financially...i'm gonna come to something right? the future at some point?
Optimystic : How many times do you forget Who You Are?
wildchild1957 doesn't think it was so messed up
Optimystic : Yes
Optimystic : It is meant to happen
Optimystic : I see a lot of universal support
ok2dreambig : damn straight
Optimystic : To make it work though, you are being trained to ride the hurdles
ok2dreambig : I deserve it
Optimystic : You do, and you know it
wildchild1957 :
ok2dreambig : i'm done riding already
ok2dreambig : I'm tired
Optimystic : Join the club hon
Optimystic : So rest
ok2dreambig : lol God give me strength or give me mondy
ok2dreambig : money
Optimystic : smell the flowers
Jonathin : You two are made for each other
wildchild1957 : well get rested up for the next ride....LOL
Optimystic : Take a nap
Optimystic : Watch HBO
ok2dreambig : lol
ok2dreambig : don't have it
ok2dreambig : I have chat
ok2dreambig :
ok2dreambig : thanks opti
Optimystic : Oh, and give Lucky Mojo a call and have them fix a candle for you
Optimystic :
Oldkid : speaking of rest, I need to go to bed. Blessed Be
Jonathin : Sleep well dave
wildchild1957 : nite nite kiddo
Kobra : nite nite David
wildchild1957 : sweet dreams
amythest_moon : night dave
Oldkid : Pleasenst dreams
Optimystic : bye
Optimystic : OK, you are a mother?
ok2dreambig : yes
Optimystic : Let your kids show you how to handle things
Optimystic : They
Optimystic : have got this sort of things figured out
Kobra : man...... I ain't leaving..... Untill this is done lol Wow
ok2dreambig : play video games?
Optimystic : why not?
ok2dreambig : lol...I hate them
Optimystic : You're a hero. Shoot some bad guys
Luna_2_Extreme_QX6850 : heh =P
Jonathin : Is that a threat?
Optimystic : lol
Kobra : lol
Optimystic : Jon - so personal!
Jonathin :
ok2dreambig : are you a bad guy?
Optimystic : I don't know yet
Optimystic : I don't think so
Luna_2_Extreme_QX6850 : feeling paranoid, jon? =P
ok2dreambig : not you... Jon...
Jonathin : What made to say that luna?
Jonathin : At times I can be very bad...............
ok2dreambig : thanks did a fine job
wildchild1957 : yes you did opti
Optimystic :
Jonathin : You did Opti
Optimystic : Thank you
Optimystic : Your spread is at that link
Jonathin : So did you OK
Kobra : I have enjoyed this evening..... TY both
Optimystic : My pleasure
Optimystic : can you archive this Kobra?
Kobra : I will..........
Kobra : in PDS Readings
wildchild1957 is thinking opti feels a bit calmer?
Kobra : want me to send you a copy?
Optimystic : Just stick it on the board, and that'll be fine
Luna_2_Extreme_QX6850 : Kobra, I have a question for you
Kobra : Opti is a pretty amazing young man........

"Details in the Fabric" - May 31, 2009
Not So Quick Questions - April 6, 2009
The Morning Stars - Lords of the 15 - April 9, 2009
Sincerity and Faith in Magic - April 10, 2009
Not So Quick Questions (2) - April 14, 2009

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