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What's happening June 25, 2008 @ 11:25 a.m.

[Andy C,]

Sinus surgery? Wow. Well I'm glad you came through it ok. I think the last surgery I had was getting my tonsils removed, but I've had my share of health problems over the years - mostly with my back and that valve thingie that opens and closes your stomach on the top.

Congrats for the 3 years with Ryan. I've been seeing someone myself for about two months, with a brief two day interlude. Funny enough, his name is Andy too, and he's also a pisces. I swear, I don't plan these things. He's a mechanic and lives in Modesto. Its been interesting to say the least - he's really different than most of the guys I've dated, and pretty different from myself in a lot of respects. Sometimes I wonder if we're really that compatible, but he's so sweet and devoted to me that I just can't turn away from him. We're both in ackward places as far as housing and parents and jobs, so at least I get to see him fairly often because our schedules are flexible. He can be very sappy and downright ignorant sometimes, but he has the cutest grin and is one of the most magnanimous people I've ever met (not that he'd understand a word that big, lol). Very tender and loving guy.

I'm still with my family in Pleasanton. Though I feel a bit guilty about it, I've been enjoying myself so much that its been difficult to get my ass in gear and do something about it. I'm just strangely content these days, and I'm not looking forward to getting back into the grind again, you know? Still practicing and loving all things mystical and magical. I've made a lot of breakthroughs in that department, and I've been able to help others out with what I've learned, so its been really great. My ideal career would be to do this stuff for a living, but that's a long shot away. I'm pretty much a priest now, but when your religion isn't run like a business its a lot harder to make a living off of it. Its cool though, because I can make products and do services for people and such.

I do want to go back to school though. I am applying to join an online M.A. program in Western Esotericism through the University of Exeter in England. Yeah, I know its obscure - "what are you going to do with a degree like that?", etc, but I love this stuff so much I really can't think about studying anything else. To me, spirituality and magic are all about the most important things in life: love, meaning, discovery, happiness, miracles, your true will, etc. I love being able to help people get the shit out of their lives and get what they are really looking for, whether its peace of mind or rent money (or both). My goal is eventually to get a PhD in Religious Studies or History and become a professor, and thus be able to teach, write, research, lecture circuits, etc. Maybe I could be the next Deepak Chopra and make Oprah fall in love with me and give me free cars :D

Until I become an (in)famous New Age guru, I'm looking for work in the public sector, both with non-profits and the government. Government jobs actually have pretty great benefits, and I'm excited about the idea of maybe getting to move to D.C. and have a chance to do something important that helps steer the country in the right direction. You know I've always been passionate about politics :) I'm really interested in the State Department and diplomacy, but if McCain gets elected that would be a nightmare. You have to tow the official line no matter what, and I could just see myself stuck in the middle of some war-torn Middle Eastern country we've decemated trying to assure the world that everything's just peachy, while gas gets more expensive and my peers continue to die. Fun!

Other than that, I do martial arts training once a week on average over in Alameda, I talk to my friend Ben way too much, I read a lot, and I'm online pretty much all the freakin' time. So feel free to IM me if you see me.

Peace, love, fluffy bunnies,

"Details in the Fabric" - May 31, 2009
Not So Quick Questions - April 6, 2009
The Morning Stars - Lords of the 15 - April 9, 2009
Sincerity and Faith in Magic - April 10, 2009
Not So Quick Questions (2) - April 14, 2009

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