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Combining Solomonic and Enochian systems June 14, 2008 @ 5:17 pm

Solomonic Magic Web Group

There's no reason that you couldn't integrate the two systems. You just have to know what you're doing and not be haphazard about it. There's
even good evidence that they are meant to go together. While we are accustomed to thinking of all that Dee and Kelly channeled as "Enochiana," that descriptor is really only applied by the angels to the kind of material that was found in the later work of "A True and Faithful Relation..." -- things like the watchtowers, the calls, the parts of the world, etc. The Magic of the Celestial Heptarchy and the Sigil of Truth are quintessentially Solomonic, and as both Aaron and the angels themselves demonstrated, most of the material found in the "5 Books of Mystery" are drawn together and synthesized from all sorts of Solomonic texts and tradititions known to Dee. There were a couple of times where they flat out told him to just use the examples in the books he already had. It was his almost obsession to get the "perfect, error-free" method that led to them having to channel "new and improved" versions of material that was preexistent.
So Dee's work itself can be said to be eclectic and integral, and thus you're following in that tradition yourself when you attempt to fit things together. But to do so requires an INTIMATE understanding familiarity, and intuition of all the material and how it all fits together. Learn to walk before you run.

I would recommend that if you attempt to combine the two, you first take the time to research and study those who have also tried to combine them. The two main parties I'm thinking of are the Golden Dawn and the circle associated with Dr. Thomas Rudd. They both attempted a systematic integration along different lines and principles, and there's good and bad stuff to be said for both efforts.

Solomonic and Enochian magics are associated with different traditions and different priesthoods, though they share some common origins. The magics reflect the legacies of the figures and teachings they are associated with. There are several priesthoods described in the Hebrew
Bible, and some get much more press than others. The priesthood of Aaron - (Yahweh Elohim, the Kohanim, and the "P"riestly source) ended up dominating the biblical record, and his main descendents and advocates were Phineas, Tzadok, Ezekiel, and Ezra. Close behind them is Moses' priesthood (Yahweh, the majority of Leviim, the "D"euteronomic historian) and his successors Joshua, Samuel, Abiathar, and Jeremiah.
But although these two tried to dominate the records, they couldn't completely wipe out the memory and inheritence of not only the polytheistic priesthoods and the priestesshoods of Miriam and Deborah, but the legacies of the patriarchal and pre-diluvian traditions -- the priesthoods of Enoch and the Watchers, and that of Melchizedek and his heirs in the line of David. The Melchizedek priesthood, which was pre-Hebrew, eventually made a powerful return though through Jesus and
Christianity - both James and Paul frame things in terms of the priesthood of Melchizedek (see the Epistles to the Galatians and Hebrews).

I highly recommend the book "Uriel's Machine" to anyone who wants to learn more about the Enochian priesthood specifically. What's fascinating to me is that even though Dee never got a chance to read the apocryphal books of Enoch (and he stated many times that he wanted to), everything the angels revealed to him is completely in-line with the traditions found in those books, which the authors of Uriel's Machine have done a splendid job at investigating. The Enochian tradition is very Apocalyptic, but in the sense of being created to
predict apocalyptic upheavals in the world and preserve humanity and spirituality through them to the other side - entrance into new ages of history.

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