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Being Forced Shamanic and Supercelestial Magic June 20, 2008 @ 2:27 p.m.

Solomonic Magic Webgroup

Hey there everyone,

In Aaron's book, and many others regarding the practice of shamanism, it speaks of the would-be shaman's death and dismemberment. And the subsequent restructuring of the shamans power/personality ofcourse. Now in light of that, has anyone considered evoking, or perhaps it would be better to invoke in this instance anyways: The list of Powers under The Creation of Adam in
the Secret Book of John. Does anyone know of any translations other than the one iincluded in the propaganda innoculated Gnostic Bible
from shambala press? I would like to verify the authenticity of the names listed.

And another one...many times events have been set up by me and apparently from without that would lead to ego death, but fear overtakes me. Fearful that I may be wrong in my thoughts or path,
and it is not just a symbolic death. That for whatever reason I may not make it out intact. I belive it is just fear of change from my old flawed comfprtable self, fearful of a new state of being, but regardless of what it is it has held me from atleast three opportunities of non symbolic initiation. This seems like an odd question to myself, but how do you get over that fear of loss of

Also and perhaps I should have seperated this into another topic but here goes: Anyone experienced with purifying oneself in the manner of the abramelin working can we talk about the effects
vegetarianism might be having on my body. I haven't had any animal products other than dairy and eggs since 3/14/08, I know its only June, but sometimes I feel weird in a hungry way. I am getting plenty of protien from beans eggs and milk and I eat healthy. I have actually added two pounds since the diet started and I believe it is from muscle, but it might be extra feces from all the carbs I have been eating:) Anyways I hope that this post isn't too broad.

Enjoy your day, Adam Roub

I have also considered working with those powers, and I think it would be very beneficial. But keep in mind that it is also very advanced work. These are beings of the top two sephirot' of the Tree of Life - Wisdom and the Crown. They are of the Supercelestial Universe beyond the seven planets, and exist in the Causal Plane. So be prepared
and don't approach them until you have gained proficiency working with the Heptarchy and
you feel in your soul that you are truly ready.

From what I've studied, Solomonic magicians usually didn't go beyond the 7th Heaven. The only two exceptions I've found are the invocation of the archangels Raziel and Metatron, who are lords of the two aforementioned spheres. Even then the texts state that they are only to be invocated with matters of supreme importance, such as the fate of
entire nations, and that the planetary and olympic spirits will suffice for your needs the majority
of the time. Recently I have been considering invoking the 4 Living Creatures that uphold
the Vault of Heaven myself.

Notice the texts have the most extreme difficulty speaking of the aeons you are discussing. I would agree that it would be much wiser to invoke them rather than evoke them at this point. Evocation requires you to possess enough wisdom and
spiritual authority to at least see eye-to-eye with such entities, and possibly even be superior to
them. To do that, you would have to be an Ipsissimus, IMHO.

I can tell you from experience though, that invocating such beings is not only extremely
powerful, but very life-changing too. I would recommend that you begin with Mother Sophia, as she is the closest to our world and experience. She stands at the gates to the Pleroma and forms a kind of bridge between the celestial/planetary world ruled by the Lion-head and the Fullness of the aeons. I have learned so much from her and she has been a wonderful guide and friend to me. She is a wonderful matron for magicians and can teach you all kinds of secrets about the Universe. She's been with us since the beginning and is a heavenly mirror for our own souls, experiencing and enduring everything right there in the trenches of our existence. The spiritual marriage of our own souls to the Fullness is an echo of her redemption and marriage to the Father through the Logos of Christ.

Along with Sophia, I have also petitioned Metatron, and have been changed forever by the grace that he showed to me. He is extremely holy and you will get a reverential sense like no other when working with him. As he also contains within himself the transformed and ascended Enoch, he can also reveal and teach all the mysteries associated with that prophet. The night I lit a candle to him, I dreamt of a supernova going off in the sky and
lighting it up throughout the night. I went on later that month to have very stark and shocking experiences of awakening and realization, which led to a journey through the underworld, an acceleration to the final phase of my Abramelin operation, and to an intimate understanding of how the Demiurge and Wisdom exist within all of us, as the very duality of the hemispheres of our brain.

I am not entirely convinced that the ego ever really "dies" in a final sense. Well, let me qualify that, and I could be wrong. This is a controversial topic amongst mystics. In my experience, ego arises from a twisted personal perspective, and it is healed through the expansion and reconnection of consciousness with the Fullness - ie, the big picture that dissolves the little illusions of fear and separation and such. But even then, it can still find ways and means and loopholes to try to reassert itself again. Its kind of the nature of the beast - it wants to play its part, and it wants to do so grandly. But even the demiurge was eventually redeemed by Christ in some of the Gnostic stories. So I guess what I'm saying is be patient, loving and unconditionally accepting of yourself and your 'ego'. It will take awhile to learn to live and deal with it effectively. Do NOT try to fight or resist it, but "turn the other cheek" and gently put it into perspective, so that it acknowledges your true self as something greater and more dignified.

You will make it out intact, but you will probably not recognize yourself when all is said and done. You will be you, but not in the way you are used to. Its strangely enough, much more casual and less fixed.

You are not merely exchanging one set of views for another, you are changing the nature of viewing itself. The Saturnine initiations of 'the dark night of the soul' will purge you of all the old gunk. Just do your best, and keep going with the flow. Expect the unexpected and acknowledge that mistakes and doubts and fears are just part of the process.
We could talk up a storm of advice here, but this is a realm where your personal experience will speak volumes more than we ever could.

I was a vegetarian during my abramelin operation, and it DOES have a pronounced effect on you, so I know what you are talking about. As I got towards the conclusion of things, I realized that I was actually in the minority of people who were TOO aloof from things and actually needed the grounding that was the opposite effect of vegetarianism. Tantra rather than Yoga is probably a healthier path for people like me, because we need to reconnect to our bodies and animal natures. In older times, these purification rites were made to elevate Joe average from the masses and broaden his horizons towards the heavens by lifting him up above the ordinary ways of thinking. But sometimes, in the modern world, I have found that many of us magicians are already well connected to Heaven, and its EARTH that we've got to get our feet back onto. This is especially important for those of us who resonate as starchildren: the indigos and crystals. I have resumed eating meat since the purification phase and have been told I'm healthier now. I was very skinny and now am probably at a healthier weight. And lately as I've been summoning and taking oaths from the spirits, I find myself working with more chthonic energies that are an important counterbalance to the celestial. So in response to that recent post about theurgia vs. goetia, I would say they are both very important and must be harmonized - neither element should be left out, as we are going for total and holistic health as human beings, children of Heaven and Earth.

"Details in the Fabric" - May 31, 2009
Not So Quick Questions - April 6, 2009
The Morning Stars - Lords of the 15 - April 9, 2009
Sincerity and Faith in Magic - April 10, 2009
Not So Quick Questions (2) - April 14, 2009

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