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Re: Jupiter, Libra, and the Virgin of Sunlight in the Sky September 04, 2008 @ 12:19 p.m.

A couple days ago, I started getting big signs that my work with both Zisi and King Dimmerankia of Marduk's 50 was well on its way. My mom called me out the blue to come outside and look in the telescope at Jupiter and its moons in almost perfect clarity. Marduk, his spirits, and his magic are all strongly associated with the sphere and zone of Jupiter, and I've been utilizing a lot of blue, jovial symbols, and god names from the sphere of Loving-kindness (Chesed) in my work. Turns out Jupiter is just one among several big players strongly affecting the planet right now astrologically.

I was reading through Baron Samadhi's astrology the other day, which is really excellent and hilarious if you ever get a chance to visit his blog.Suddenly, there was my Virgin Mary in the sky, staring me in the face! It turns out that Zisi was alluding to something more than just Mary - he was talking about the very powerful alignment of astrological forces going on right now in the constellation Virgo, which includes a powerful conjunction of the Sun and Saturn as well as the presence of other planets lining up both in Virgo and in Libra. Great astrology for Darfur's cause and my magic I think, but also important for everyone to take advantage of for a number of reasons! With Zisi's inspiration, I'd like to share my findings with you all. It seems to be no coincidence that I chose to call Marduk's jovial spirits at this time...


Night Sky Strategies

Issue III, Virgo 2008:

(The following is an excerpt from Issue III, Virgo 2008. Download your
free copy by clicking HERE
SR08yMDA4LnBkZg==> .)

Sun in Virgo, 2008

As is perhaps appropriate to the dual sign, this month sees a
contending set of forces set loose in the stratosphere. The first half
of the Sun's trudge through Virgo is dominated by the looming Sun-Saturn
conjunction. The weeks leading up to this yearly meeting are shadowed
by necessity and constricted by scarcity. The hard outlines of our
personal and collective situation emerge with concrete clarity during
this period. However, after the Sun-Saturn conjunction on September
3rd, the energies at work will shift significantly.

The second half of the Sun's stay in Virgo has a powerful social
focus, for by the time that September begins, Mercury, Venus and Mars
will all be in Libra. And it is in Libra that they will remain for the
entire time that the Sun travels Virgo. Mercury governs the intellect
and communicative ability. Venus the passions, the ability to
emotionally connect to the world. And finally Mars, the aggressive and
sexual energies. All 3 planets describe a method of relating- Mercury
relates mentally, Venus emotionally, and Mars physically. In Libra,the
Sign whose energies most naturally lend themselves towards the delicate
balance of social forces, aesthetics arrangements and lattices of facts,
the combination is indeed potent. And so this year the Sun's march
through Virgo will have an unusually social aspect. Both personal
relationships and more casual contacts rise up on the radar.

And so as Fall creeps upon the Northern Hemisphere, the grim
reality of the Sun's conjunction of Saturn provides the foundation for
the heightened level of social activity. A quick peek at presidential
candidates in the United States confirms this, as does the troubled
diplomatic relationship between Russia and the West. We need to make
friends, because these are times when a person, or a nation, needs
friends. The triumvirate of Planets in Libra will carefully mix
diplomacy, double-speak, passive aggression and a real desire to

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The Astrology of Baron Samadhi von Coppockalypse

Vol. 145: Bad News First

This Wednesday the Sun finds Saturn again, conjoining him in Virgo.
The Sun meets up with Saturn once every year. The Sun is the spotlight,
and Saturn is the situation. And so when the Sun comes to Saturn,
the limits and requirements of the situation at hand comes clearly
into focus. The Sun has not come into conjunction with Saturn since
just before Saturn entered Virgo last September. Thus, this will be
the first time that the Sun has conjoined Saturn in Virgo in nearly

That the Sun has not yet truly seen Saturn in Virgo is evident.
On the macrocosmic level, the higher ups in the United States have
refused to acknowledge the state of things with the word "recession." Apparently rising food and gas prices, an ongoing crisis in the real estate industry, a costly and unwinnable "war" and the rising tide of emerging and reemerging world powers is not worthy of the term.

Saturn is also a traditional harbinger of disaster, and although it is
easy to relegate such claims to an obsolete and mythological
worldview,the events surrounding this year's conjunction of the Sun to
Saturn tend to concur with the ancient viewpoint. Hurricane Gustav has
spent the last few days beating on storm-weary New Orleans, and millions
have fled the rising flood waters in India and Nepal. Saturn is also a
symbol of both authority and authoritarianism, as well as the
conservative side of an existing government. It should therefore be no
surprise that protesters have been tear-gassed outside the Republican
convention and that Thailand has declared a state of emergency due to
violent anti-government protests. Good times.

The protests and instability we're seeing now are a shadow of the
coming cosmic conflict between Saturn in Uranus, which will provide much
of the back-drop for the next 2 years. The last 2 times that Saturn and
Uranus opposed in the 20th century were both times marked by tremendous
protests (late teens and early 20's- massive labor protests,mid 60's-
nuff said). But we'll have to wait til election day for the series of
oppositions to begin in earnest. Nice timing, solar system.

The Good News

After the Sun-Saturn fun is over mid-week, the mood lightens
considerably as the trio of planets in Libra begins to take sway over the
skies. Jupiter also stirs and awakens this weekend, adding to the growing
energy that will work to dispel the gloom of the early week.

Helpful Hint: Don't have a child until after Wednesday unless you want
him/her to be a neurotic daddy-issue-havin mess. Hold it in ladies, hold it in.

"Details in the Fabric" - May 31, 2009
Not So Quick Questions - April 6, 2009
The Morning Stars - Lords of the 15 - April 9, 2009
Sincerity and Faith in Magic - April 10, 2009
Not So Quick Questions (2) - April 14, 2009

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